

Christian Ferrari

This page is no more maintained, the current one is at

This page is the root of wiki documentation

An overview article was published by DZone and is available in a printer friendly format here.

A step by step tutorial is available in wiki format here: [FLoM by examples]

Are you asking yourself because I started to develop this software? Are you tired to write cryptic shell scripts to manage locking and synchronization? [Read the tale]

As you can imagine this is not the first time some one is trying to give you a tool like this. This page collects some [Similar tools] I discovered googling around.

If you was not annoyed by the previous stuff, you might be interested in some more detailed documentation...

FLoM runs around the [Resource] concept: take a look to it.

FLoM is distributed as C source code you may download, compile and install using standard git and GNU build chain (automake, autoconf, gcc): [installation].

FLoM wants to be just work software and configuration should be reduced to the minimum: this page gives you some hint to explore [Configuration] matter.

[FLoM deep diving] contains specific detailed topics you could interested in after you tried some examples (use cases).

FLoM API (Application Programming Interface)

Starging with version 0.9.0 FLoM provides an API based on [libflom] that's compiled and installed using libtool; using libflom you can use a FLoM daemon to synchronize your own applications and your own shell scripts/commands using the same tool.

The FLoM API allows you to write your own program using these programming languages:

  • C: primary interface
  • C++: header only wrapper based on C primary interface
  • Java: wrapper based on C primary interface (JNI implementation)
  • Perl: wrapper based on C primary interface and generated by SWIG
  • PHP: wrapper based on C primary interface and generated by SWIG
  • Python: wrapper based on C primary interface and generated by SWIG

FLoM Security

SSL/TLS [Security] allows to protect network communications and enable peer to peer mutual authentication based on X.509 certificates.

FLoM IoT Gateway Component

Take a look to the project [roadmap] and vote the preferred features.

Your feedback is very valuable...

Don't esitate to write your suggestions using the project forum: without your feedback this software can't become terribly useful.


FLoM is available on GitHub too:


Wiki: Configuration
Wiki: FLoM by examples
Wiki: FLoM deep diving
Wiki: Read the tale
Wiki: Resource
Wiki: Security
Wiki: Similar tools
Wiki: installation
Wiki: libflom
Wiki: roadmap