
#9 Don't highlight WikiWords that aren't valid links


(This was transcribed from
es. It was originally proposed by Andrew Godfrey)

I was one of those that hated WikiNames because of
how they affect readability. I had been thinking along
the lines of "they're fine for naming pages but they
should never be displayed as link text". But I realized, I
don't really mind seeing valid WikiNames; the problem is
the gobs of "accidental" ones that crop up when
discussing source code, like CMyClass. I end up having
to escape them, which is a lot of pain.

Well, it's easier to fix than I'd originally thought. Just
have the script not highlight wikinames that link to
empty pages. That is, remove the dashed underline, and
color it like normal text. Everything else stays the same -
if you hover over it, you'd still get hover text and be
able to click to edit the new page.

That way, I wouldn't care that all my "accidental
WikiNames" become links, and in addition, if I later
realize I want to make a page about one of them, I
don't have to remove the escapes.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-10-05
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-10-05
    • summary: Don't highlight WikiNames that aren't valid links --> Don't highlight WikiWords that aren't valid links

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