
#39 Multiple problems with wiki:// links


(These bugs have been transcribed from

wiki://TopicName#Summary works, but
wiki://Namespace.TopicName#Summary does not. --

wiki://TopicName#Summary only works on the default
namespace. It also doesn't work if the Summary has
more than one paragraph or has a list. In these cases it
presents a single paragraph.

wiki:// links only work with links of the form TopicName,
but not TopicName or [Topic Name]. Fix will likely be
with wikiURIPattern in Formatter.cs, near

wiki:// links don't work with
CamelCase references, e.g. wiki://anImageLibrary/foo.gif
doesn't link, but wiki://AnImageLibrary/foo.gif will

wiki://Index to an existing link doesn't work.

When using Textism to create a URL, if that URL starts
with wiki://, it doesn't work. -- EricChartre
"this is a link":wiki://FileLibrary/test.html
I wouldn't call this a bug. More like a missing feature.
Either way, I'm going to fix this one, probably next
week. But the link won't be to an HTML file, as you
show, but rather to a topic. -- CraigAndera
Interestingly, in walking through the source code to add
this feature, I discovered that you can already do the
important part of this, namely, display alternate text for
a link to a topic within the wiki. Which is good enough
for me. Given the way the code works right now, adding
it without breaking other stuff was going to be kind of a
pain. Here's how you do it: -- CraigAndera
"Check out FlexWikiPad":FlexWikiPad


  • Bart Fibrich

    Bart Fibrich - 2005-10-27

    Logged In: YES

    Tested on build
    Bugs still present.

    Test :
    Went through the scenarios and confirmed bugs.

    There is inconsonant behavior as well as I a lot of cases the
    rest is rendered as is.

  • David Ornstein

    David Ornstein - 2005-12-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dornstein

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