
PIC24F32KA302 and Demo Board DM240311 Log in to Edit

Pete Zawasky

The PIC24F32KA302 appears to be a very good chip to use with the 16bit FlashForth for embedded control. Quite a few on-chip options and fast with low power.

The Microchip 16bit XLP Development Board, DM240311, works well providing 2 conditons are noted:
1. UART2 is the port of choice because of the board circuitry.
Use the latest ff-pi24-30-33.s and set up FF for OPERATOR_UART = 2.
2. The on-board UART-to-USB bridge, MCP2200/PIC18F14K40 appears to have the data inversion bit set.
One approach...
\ add to
.equ INVERT_UART2, 1 ; 0 or 1, comment if not used
\ add to ff-pic24-30-33.s
.ifdecl INVERT_UART2


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  • Pete Zawasky

    Pete Zawasky - 2015-11-21

    Here are words to quickly look at the 2 user switches and control the 2 user leds on the DM240311.


    Last edit: Pete Zawasky 2016-02-11
  • Pete Zawasky

    Pete Zawasky - 2016-02-11

    Here is an example to quickly look at the 100K pot on the DM240311 using the A2D Module.


    Last edit: Pete Zawasky 2016-02-11
  • Pete Zawasky

    Pete Zawasky - 2016-02-16

    There is a Serial EEPROM on the DM240311 board attached to the I2C1 bus. Here are some words to set up the I2C1 bus and then read/write bytes from/to the 256K bit Serial EEPROM.
    This is a starting point....Remember, a philosophy of FORTH is to get it working first, then make it elegant.


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