
Foreground Performance

Jens Wulf
  • Jens Wulf

    Jens Wulf - 2004-03-02

    i tried to start a bigger background job with several database operations and i found that foreground-jobs slow down extremely then.
    A renice to 20 on the backgroundjob doesn t seem to change much. Is there anything else to change to get a better foreground performance ?
    BTW : I m very satisfied with the background performance. We are using a DSM-System on a Alpha and the GT.M-System runs many times faster.



    • Steven Estes

      Steven Estes - 2004-03-02

      Hi Jens,

      Unfortunately, on Linux, this is pretty much the way it is. The renice command only really takes into account the CPU time a process is using and reduces it accordingly if another process (a foreground one) needs it. It makes no allowances for IO bandwidth nor do I know of anything that does currently. I think the scheduler in the new 2.6 kernel is a bit more fair about this than the 2.4 kernel's scheduler so some relief may be in sight. Hope this helps..


    • Jens Wulf

      Jens Wulf - 2004-05-01

      Thanks for your answer Steve !
      I tried the new kernel (2.6.5) and it seems to work better for me. The foreground-jobs get more time now.
      Greets Jens


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