
Installing KB_SQL on GTM / Suse Linux

  • trenchant

    trenchant - 2006-08-09

    I'm running into installation issues trying to get KB_SQL installed for evaluation. 

    My System is as follows:
    Poweredge 2850
    Dual 3.2Ghz Xeon Processors
    4GB (2x2GB) RAM
    OS: Suse Enterprise 10.0
    Database: Sanchez GT.M v50000c

    When I first attempted to execute D ^%RI, and input he GTM.RTN file, I would return 0 routines.

    I found a perl tidbit posted by Bhaskar, and had some success:
    perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/;' ./GTM.RTN

    This enabled me to extract the 42 GTM routines.
    When I tried to execute D ^SQL0LOAD, it errored out giving me an incorrect version number.  I went back to the KBSQL Server temporary directory, and entered:
    perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/;' ./*

    This allowed the version to be read, and proceed through entering my name and key. 

    SQLSITE.GBL Loaded
    SQLRTN.1 appeared to freeze, no change after an hour.  I copied the original SQLRTN.1 file back into the temp directory, and let it run for about 20 minutes before I aborted.  Then I put the perl modified file back in the temp directory, and let it run overnight.  When I came in this morning my mumps.dat file had grown over my spanned raid5 to around 360GB.  I figured this wasn't right, so I was wondering if I could get some advice on this. 

    I am running HUI OpenVista 4 on GT.M v50000c. 

    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2006-08-10

      Loading KB_SQL has always proceeded smoothly for me with no long pauses.  I suggest you contact Knowledge Based Systems support for help.

      -- Bhaskar


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