robtweed - 2008-06-06

George James Software and M/Gateway Developments Ltd are delighted to present Out of the Slipstream 2008, a one day conference on Thursday, 3rd July at Bletchley Park, the hub of crucial code breaking  activities during WWII and the birthplace of the modern computer .  This follows the outstanding success of the Out of the Slipstream conference held at Brooklands in September 2007 and SlipstreamUSA held in Orlando in April 2008.

The conference, which will have a security flavour, is aimed at anyone who already uses Mumps or similar technologies and those who are interested in what these technologies can offer.  As well as having a wide range of speakers, we will be running various education sessions throughout the day.  We'll also be exploring the latest innovations such as Google's BigTable and we'll have a report from this year's DevCon in Orlando.

Visit for further information and immediate on-line registration.

Now into their second year, our Slipstream conferences are gaining a reputation as a serious "must attend" event for members of the GT.M and Mumps communities.

Here's some quotes from previous attendees:

"I enjoyed the Brooklands conference a lot and found it tremendously useful; more so than any other conference I've attended"

"Congratulations and very well done.  I know how much effort must have gone into the organisation. I thouroughly enjoyed the day and if (when!) you do it again I will make sure some of the rest of the team also get to come along."

"I want to thank you for the pleasure to come to SlipstreamUSA yesterday afternoon. I can tell you that I like some aspects of the DEVCON, but that last half a day was a special treat for me."

"Good sessions and entertaining content.  It's good to have events like this outside InterSystems' domain!"

"Great stuff.  Most thought provoking and informative presentations of the week"

"Excellent. The presentations were wide ranging and informative.  I learnt heaps!"

"It was tremendously valuable information and I am privileged to attend it.  I learnt a lot."

So don't miss out on the next one. Register now!  It promises to be a great day!