
#4186 Ghostscript 9.05-1


Does this package have OS version restrictions?Maybe fails on Mac OS X 10.7...
Which section does it belong in?graphics, although recently sorted into text – because PostScript is some text?
Have you built it with -m --build-as-nobody?yes


The original release of Ghostscript-9.05 was incomplete. A few files were not installed and it was not ready to be compiled in parallel. Chris Liddell from Artifex provided patches to cure these deficiencies. He also made quite clear that Ghostscript should be built with the packages it brings with it. This makes most of the old PATCH file obsolete. It has the line

if [ `sw_vers -productVersion | cut -f2 -d.` == 5 ] ; then export CC=gcc-4.2 CXX=g++-4.2 ; fi

to use GCC 4.2 on Leopard. I think a better and more general solution would be to use GCC >= 4.4.


  • Peter Dyballa

    Peter Dyballa - 2012-06-10

    Ghostscript 9.05-1 INFO file

  • Peter Dyballa

    Peter Dyballa - 2012-06-10

    Ghostscript 9.05-1 PATCH file

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    A version of this package is already present in the Fink distribution AND has a listed maintainer. You should contact the maintainer directly via the email address shown via "fink info <this package>" to discuss updating, as that person is in charge of submitting (or at least approving others' submissions of) updates.

    If you don't hear from the maintainer within a reasonable timeframe, then send a message to that effect to requesting that this tracker item be reopened.

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • milestone: 373615 --> Awaiting_OK_from_Maintainer
    • assigned_to: nobody --> htodd
  • Hisashi T Fujinaka

    Not listening to Chris Liddell.

  • Hisashi T Fujinaka

    • status: open --> closed

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