
#1809 time-hires-pm581 update


This is a much newer version of the time-hires-pm perlmod. It has
been tested on OS X 10.3.8 using Apple's perl 5.8.1.

This pm is no longer maintained, so I will take it over as maintainer.

What should I do about the other varieties of this pm for other perl
versions? It would almost certainly be OK with perl 5.8.4 or 5.8.6,
but I don't intend to install those perl versions just to test this pm.


  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-02-27

    Logged In: YES

    Added the .info file.

  • Christian Schaffner

    Logged In: YES

    Please remember to set the Group field to "Undergoing
    Validation" when you create a new Tracker item and
    any time you update your submission and are waiting
    for feedback. Thanks.

  • Christian Schaffner

    • milestone: --> 373615
  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2005-03-09

    Logged In: YES

    We seem to be dropping support for 5.8.4. Perl5.8.6 comes
    with Time::HiRes 1.65 so I would suspect your 1.66 will be
    fine there. You could use variants to consolidate multiple
    perlversions into a single .info file. appears a
    lot has changed since the existing time-hires-pm581 package
    was written:

    * The perl core libs were moved, meaning packages that
    supply the same module as in core no longer conflict with or
    replace perl core itself.

    * The manpages for perl modules were shuffled into sesparate
    dirs for each perl version, meaning foo-pmXXX and for-pmXXY
    no longer conflict with or replace each other.
    Unfortunately, the automatic scripts generated by Type:perl
    don't yet deal with this so you have to write your own

    See for an example of a multi-perlversion
    package written for the latest filesystem layout.

  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2005-03-09
    • milestone: 373615 --> 373614
  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    OK, here is the .info file in the newer format. Be aware that I am very new
    at both packaging, and perl. So there is a very good chance that
    something is messed up here.

    Fink validate done on both the .info and the .deb.

  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-03-11
    • milestone: 373614 --> 373615
  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    I was a bit to hasty with the cut and paste from the, and
    inadvertently left the tests disabled. This version fixes that.

    Note: I used the InstallScript as-is from I'm not convinced
    that it is all needed, but all the info2 format PMs I looked at have the same
    one, and it seems to work.

    Note 2: The current info file has a PostInstScript that I don't
    know the reason for. I left the code at the bottom of the .info file, but
    commented it out. Please advise whether I need a PostInstScript or not.

  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2005-11-10
    • milestone: 373615 --> 373614
  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2005-11-10

    Logged In: YES

    perlXXX-core is all that is needed to ensure that "the perlX.X.X interpretter exists" need for system-perlXXX any more.

    I agree that the PostInst is no longer needed...I think it was needed back before fink had the modern language-variant system.

    I get:
    Warning: Length of package description exceeds 45 characters. (
    Failed: Please correct the above problems and try again!

    maybe "High-resolution timer functions" would suffice?

    (5.8.1 5.8.6) is the standard pair for 10.3 and 10.4 users and we can test it on those systems...if someone needs something special, that person can test it and say "yo, 5.8.4 works too".

    You can make the InstallScript even simpler (and clearer and less typo-prone IMO) if you like. Given that you want "the standard perl process, but move the manpages", you can say exactly that:

    InstallScript: <<
    mv %i/share/man %i/lib/perl5/%type_raw[perl]

    Up to you.

  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-11-11

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the comments. I didn't know I could do an
    InstallScript like that. I updated the .info file to
    incorporate your suggestions.

  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-11-11
  • Kevin Horton

    Kevin Horton - 2005-11-11
    • milestone: 373614 --> 373615
  • Brendan Cully

    Brendan Cully - 2006-05-21
    • milestone: 373615 --> Added_to_Fink
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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