
#1637 Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004"

povray (1)

When trying to install povray on my MacBook, I get the following error:

fink install povray

Information about 8191 packages read in 6 seconds.
Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004" (no matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.

I do have installed the libtiff:

fink list |grep -i libtiff

libtiff-bin 4.0.3-4 Executables for libtiff5 package

i libtiff5 4.0.3-4 libtiff5 developer files
i libtiff5-shlibs 4.0.3-4 TIFF image format library and tools

and the packages I have access to are:

fink scanpackages

Updating the list of locally available binary packages.
Scanning dists/local/main/binary-darwin-x86_64
Scanning dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-x86_64

Is this a problem in the definition of the package or anything I have to fix from my side?



  • Alexander Hansen

    You do NOT have "libtiff" installed. You have libtiff5.

    You didn't bother to specify what OS X version you are on, but I assume that you're on 10.9. We are still in the process of cleaning up the dependencies for 10.9 packages, so for right now you should regard povray as not being installable.

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-16

    Well Mr.. If you watch more carefully the ticket, you see:

    Milestone: 10.9

    does this mean anything to you?

    and again.. libtiff5 is the only package that contains TIFF that appears in my installation.

    Having said that. Thank you.

  • Alexander Hansen

    My bad on the milestone, sorry.

    Anyway, the fact that libtiff5 contains the term libtiff is completely and utterly irrelevant to the issue. Our 10.9 distribution doesn't have a package with the EXACT NAME libtiff. The dependency engine tracks packages, not files.

    I pulled povray from the 10.9 distribution until it can be updated.

  • Alexander Hansen

    I found a package description for an updated version in an email. If you save the files to /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo you should be able to install that version. Then let us know if it works and if so we'll add it. If not, we can try to fix whatever is going wrong.

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-16

    I copied the files as you suggested but not too much different:

    # ls -l /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/
    total 16
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 teo 310 1940 Dec 16 19:24
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 teo 310 3068 Dec 16 19:24 povray.patch

    # fink install povray
    Scanning package description files..........
    Information about 8191 packages read in 14 seconds.
    Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004" (no matching packages/versions found)
    Exiting with failure.

    I guess we can wait.

  • Alexander Hansen

    Odd. The that I attached above uses libtiff5 instead of libtiff.

  • Alexander Hansen

    Ah, I see what went wrong. That version of the .info file wasn't set up correctly so fink fell back to the regular one. Try the in this item (the patch is the same).

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-16

    Tried again:

    # fink -v install povray
    Information about 8191 packages read in 1 seconds.
    The package 'povray' will be built and installed.
    Reading build dependency for povray-3.61-1004...
    WARNING: While resolving dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004", package "libtiff" was not found.
    Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004" (no matching packages/versions found)
    Exiting with failure.

    is there anything else that I should do rather than just copying those two files in : /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/ ?

    The file you gave me contains now only libtiff5, but for some reason the .info file processed looks like the old one.

    other options to feed fink, to be more verbose at this stage of build?

  • Alexander Hansen

    A couple of things to try:

    1 Use "fink index -f". fink may be using an older cached version of the .info file.

    2 Try "fink -m install povray". That runs additional validation checks.

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-16

    did not work-If I understand correctly it is still validating the package:


    follows commands and output:

    # fink index -f
    Scanning package description files..........

    # fink -v install povray
    Scanning package description files..........
    Information about 8191 packages read in 10 seconds.
    The package 'povray' will be built and installed.
    Reading build dependency for povray-3.61-1004...
    WARNING: While resolving dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004", package "libtiff" was not found.
    Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004" (no matching packages/versions found)
    Exiting with failure.

    # fink -m install povray
    Information about 8191 packages read in 3 seconds.
    Running in Maintainer Mode
    Validating package file /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/
    Package looks good!
    The package 'povray' will be built and installed.
    Reading build dependency for povray-3.61-1004...
    WARNING: While resolving dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004", package "libtiff" was not found.
    Can't resolve dependency "libtiff" for package "povray-3.61-1004" (no matching packages/versions found)
    Exiting with failure.

    # ls -l /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo
    total 16
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 1941 Dec 16 19:45
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 3068 Dec 16 19:24 povray.patch

  • Alexander Hansen


    What do you get from "fink validate /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/" ?

    Also, verify that the Trees: line in /sw/etc/fink.conf still has local/main in it.

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-16

    In file fink.conf, I do have the "local/main"

    Basepath: /sw
    RootMethod: sudo
    Trees: local/main stable/main
    Distribution: 10.9
    SelfUpdateTrees: 10.7

    and if run:

    # fink validate /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/

    I get no output. Shortly than a second, I get the bash back.

    # fink -m validate /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/
    Running in Maintainer Mode
    Validating package file /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/
    Package looks good!

    now the question is.. how can I force to use this .info (assuming it is not correctly accessed)?

  • Alexander Hansen

    Try removing /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/ and see what happens.

  • Teodoro Laino

    Teodoro Laino - 2013-12-17

    after removing : /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics/ it went through the compilation process. Although it failed, first in downloading povray 3.7.0 (apparently the url on fink servers does not exist) - which I got fixed downloading directly from the source URL - and secondly during povray compilation.

    I attach the error messages, if it is of any help to you.
    I'll be waiting for povray to be officially available - since then, I guess one can still compile it himself.


  • Alexander Hansen

    The download issue is normal. The sources don't show up on our servers until the corresponding package version is actually in the distribution.

    Unfortunately, your errors are unreadable. This happens not infrequently when using more than one build job.

  • Alexander Hansen

    Ah, I see why the versioning wasn't working. is lower than 3.61 according to the dpkg package manager.


    Last edit: Alexander Hansen 2013-12-17
  • Alexander Hansen

    I had a chance to try it on my own 10.9 system. It looks like the error is the following:

    Making all in source
    g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -I../source/backend -I../source/base -I../source/frontend -I../unix -I../vfe -I../vfe/unix -I/sw/include/OpenEXR -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/sw/include -pthread -I/sw/include -pipe -Wno-multichar -Wno-write-strings -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -D_THREAD_SAFE -MT bbox.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/bbox.Tpo -c -o bbox.o test -f 'backend/bounding/bbox.cpp' || echo './'backend/bounding/bbox.cpp
    In file included from backend/bounding/bbox.cpp:43:
    In file included from ./backend/frame.h:53:
    In file included from ./base/configbase.h:40:
    In file included from ../vfe/unix/syspovconfigbase.h:35:
    In file included from ../vfe/unix/syspovconfig.h:69:
    In file included from /sw/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:17:
    /sw/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:491:41: warning: rvalue references are a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
    shared_ptr( std::unique_ptr< Y, D > && r ): px( r.get() ), pn()
    /sw/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:556:51: warning: rvalue references are a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
    shared_ptr & operator=( std::unique_ptr<Y, D=""> && r )
    /sw/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:558:55: warning: rvalue references are a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
    this_type( static_cast< std::unique_ptr<Y, D=""> && >( r ) ).swap(*this);
    In file included from backend/bounding/bbox.cpp:43:
    In file included from ./backend/frame.h:58:
    In file included from ./backend/control/messagefactory.h:39:
    ./backend/control/renderbackend.h:112:16: error: reference to 'shared_ptr' is ambiguous
    map<SceneId, shared_ptr<Scene=""> > scenes;
    ../vfe/unix/syspovconfig.h:85:14: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'shared_ptr'
    using boost::shared_ptr;
    /Applications/ note: candidate found by name lookup is 'std::__1::shared_ptr'
    class _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS shared_ptr

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    Closing. povray has been updated to in 10.7 and up, which should fix all the issues listed here.


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