
#1611 fink cleanup --debs does not cleanup debs


Since a while, most likely since fink 0.29.10, "fink cleanup --debs" or "fink cleanup --all" does no longer clean up deb packages.
I have now various versions of the same package in my trees. Normally they would have been cleared out.

For example, they could be of the same version, but different revision:

But they can also be of different versions:

No amount of "fink cleanup --all" gets rid of them.

Note I only have the unstable tree, plus a local tree with a few .info files of my own design (for none of the above packages).

Fink 0.29.10, Mac OS X 10.6.1, Xcode 3.2


  • monipol

    monipol - 2009-10-31

    Hello, Remko. Unfortunately this bugs tracker doesn't get much attention. I'm forwarding your report to the fink-users mailing list.

  • monipol

    monipol - 2009-10-31

    Just a heads up, Remo: we've been able to reproduce your issue. .deb file names use the underscore character to separate its components: package name_version/revision_target platform. The introduction of x86_64 confused fink cleanup. We're working on that.

  • monipol

    monipol - 2009-11-01

    From Daniel Macks on the fink-users mailing list:

    Good find! There was a bug in how cleanup_debs parsed .deb filenames if they were for the x86_64 architecture. It's fixed in our CVS now, so will be available in the next public release of fink itself (0.29.11 I assume).

  • Remko Scharroo

    Remko Scharroo - 2009-11-01

    I am impressed! Fasted bug-tracking and follow-up I've seen in a long time.
    I am considering this issue closed then. Looking forward to the next fink release.

  • Remko Scharroo

    Remko Scharroo - 2009-11-01
    • status: open --> closed

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