
#1395 gimp2 dependency on gtk+ (as well as gtk+2)


The end of this bug report includes a list of all 114 packages that fink
wants to install to build gimp2 unstable. Hidden in that list is a
dependency on gtk+! (as well as gtk+2). If this is not a direct gimp2
dependency, then it means something in the dependency chain has a silly
requirement on gtk+ and may be using deprecated code. Is this a known/
acceptable issue?

aalib aalib-bin aalib-shlibs atk1 atk1-shlibs autoconf automake1.8
automake1.9 bzip2-dev dbus-dev dbus-shlibs docbook-dsssl-nwalsh
docbook-dtd docbook-xsl expat fontconfig2-dev fontconfig2-shlibs
freetype219 freetype219-shlibs gconf2 gconf2-dev gconf2-shlibs gd2
gd2-shlibs gdbm3 gdbm3-shlibs gettext-bin gettext-dev gettext-tools
giflib giflib-bin giflib-shlibs gimp2-shlibs glib glib-shlibs glib2 glib2-dev
glib2-shlibs gnome-base gnome-mime-data gnome-vfs2-ssl-dev
gnome-vfs2-unified-dev gnome-vfs2-unified-shlibs gtk+ gtk+-data gtk
+-shlibs gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk+2-shlibs gtk-doc html-tagset-pm imlib
imlib-shlibs intltool lcms lcms-shlibs libart2 libart2-shlibs libbonobo2
libbonobo2-dev libbonobo2-shlibs libexif-dev libexif-shlibs libgettext3-
dev libgettextpo2-shlibs libhowl-dev libhowl-shlibs libiconv-dev libidl2
libidl2-shlibs libjpeg libjpeg-bin libmng2 libmng2-shlibs libncurses5
libpng3 libtiff libtiff-bin libtool14 libtool14-shlibs libwmf libwmf-shlibs
libwww-pm586 libxml2 libxml2-bin libxslt libxslt-bin libxslt-shlibs m4
netpbm netpbm-bin netpbm-shlibs netpbm10-shlibs openjade opensp4
opensp4-dev opensp4-shlibs orbit2 orbit2-dev orbit2-shlibs pango1-
xft2 pango1-xft2-dev pango1-xft2-shlibs pkgconfig popt popt-shlibs
scrollkeeper sgml-entities-iso8879 shared-mime-info system-
ghostscript6 system-openssl-dev type1inst xdg-base xml-parser-pm586


  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2006-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    There are still things in fink that are gnome1-ish (note
    there's also glib, not just glib2, in your list). Nothing
    wrong with that. It's not gimp2 itself, but probably some
    utility or a component of some other tool that uses it. You
    can use 'fink dumpinfo -fdepends,builddepends gimp2' or
    'fink show-deps gimp2' (and so on) to walk the dependency
    tree and try to find the specific chain of dependencies
    leading to gtk+. Or you could try to 'fink build' various
    subsets of your whole gimp2 dependency list to search for
    what needs gtk+.

  • Sam Halliday

    Sam Halliday - 2006-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks dmacks, I didn't know about that command. The gimp2 build dependencies are:

    libpng3 libjpeg libtiff glib2-dev netpbm giflib imlib aalib libgettext3-dev gettext-bin gettext-tools libiconv-dev gtk-doc x11-dev
    libexif-dev gtk+2-dev libart2 libmng2 expat fontconfig2-dev lcms libwmf pango1-xft2-dev atk1 intltool freetype219 libhowl-
    dev gnome-vfs2-ssl-dev libxslt libncurses5 bzip2-dev

    of which, imlib depends on the GNOME1-ish stuff (specifically 'freetype219, libjpeg, libtiff, libpng3, netpbm, giflib, glib, gtk+,
    libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev')

    Interestingly enough, a `grep -r imlib *` in the gimp2 source tree reveals *no* references to this library.

    Suggest removing the dependency on imlib completely? (Following a successful build, but I've also checked Debian [http://] and found no imlib dependency and also on the gimp website where they list
    dependencies [])

    Note that I have concerns over the other gimp2 dependencies as well... it looks like it is depending on a lot more than it really
    needs (gnome-vfs? atk1? libncurses?).

  • Sam Halliday

    Sam Halliday - 2006-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    sorry... scrub the question mark on atk1, thought it was up to version 2 already :-)

    but, still concerned about imlib and gnome depends

  • Daniel Macks

    Daniel Macks - 2006-12-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Consider what dependencies means: if gimp2 links gtk+2 and gtk+2 links atk1, one needs atk1 in order to run gimp2. For this reason (and more importantly, because of a "feature" of the OS X linker) fink packages generally list all dependencies, both runtime shared libraries and compile-time headers, explicitly instead of relying on recursive dependencies. On linux, one might be able to have gimp2 just depend on gtk+2 and have gtk+2's dependency on atk1 suffice...not nearly as likely to work that way on OS X.

    So gimp2 might list a dependency on FOO because gimp2 actually needs THING1, which needs THING2, which needs THING3, which needs etc etc etc, which needs FOO, even if gimp2 doesn't need FOO on its face.

    gnome-vfs2 is only needed by the svg plugin, and in the most recent gimp2 package suite, I think it's only a direct dependency of the *-svg* packages. Doesn't rule out an indirect dependency obviously.

    I have no clue why gimp2 needs imlib. It's marked as being needed by the gimp2 shared library, but neither that library nor any of its associated files links against it. ("Links against it" is the real test, since that covers indirect dependencies as well, not just what gimp2's own code mentions).

    Note that many of the things you accuse of being GNOME1ish aren't GNOMEish at all, but are rather more generic libraries that some GNOME packages use.

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    Something changed in the Dependencies of a Dependency in the meantime since building gimp2 no longer pulls in gtk+.

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: --> 10.5_and_10.6
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    Something changed in the Dependencies of a Dependency in the meantime since building gimp2 no longer pulls in gtk+.


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