
No USD currency

  • Timo

    Timo - 2005-10-24

    Hello, Im using the modul Finance::Currency::Convert in conjunction with Finance::Quote to convert from EUR to USD.
    Every day my script gets the newest currencies by using the function updateRate and store it in a separate file with the writeRatesFile function.
    Everything works fine since 2003. But now Im getting no longer the USD currency and the script only returns a zero. All other currency are stored as well, there is only for USD no value.
    I have really nothing change, no other moduls installed or something like that.
    When I recordnize the error I first update the moduls to the latest version - but the same.
    Is there anybody who had the same problem and can help me.

    Best regards and thanks for your help


    • lankavaasu

      lankavaasu - 2007-02-26

      Hi I am new to this and I want to use currency Converter in my project .Can u  give me  help regarding what code is to be written and how  currency values are  updated dynamically.


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