
Tree [860f38] master origin /

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File Date Author Commit
 cpp_ref 2004-04-01 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [097b97] Initial revision
 d2cpp 2004-07-19 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [ecd2d2] Added, to break dependence.
 examples 2004-04-01 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [097b97] Initial revision
 obp_grammar 2004-04-01 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [097b97] Initial revision
 pasic 2004-08-05 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [860f38] Moved unary plus and minus to Factor.
 README 2004-05-10 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [02c5ec] Fixed typo. 2004-04-01 Ivo Danihelka Ivo Danihelka [097b97] Initial revision

Read Me

- delphi to cpp converter

Based on:
- delphi2cpp ... used to convert decleration
- pasic ... used to convert function bodies

Main Features:
- operators precedence is consider
- indents output source code

How to use:
You will need Python.
$ ./ examples/SenderMain.pas

New files will be created:

Current Limitation:
See pasic/pasic.pyg for pasic limitations.

limitations based on delphi2cpp:
- does not support multi-dimension arrays, e.g. [1..3, 1..8]
- does not support specification of type with 'file of'
