
#683 Should remove Mapper 232 hack that breaks the proper dump

ROM Compatibility
Dan Weiss

I just peeked at the code in 232.cpp, and it contains a hack that intentionally breaks the emulation just to make the bad dump run correctly.

static void Sync(void) {
// uint32 bbank = (bank & 0x18) >> 1;
uint32 bbank = ((bank & 0x10) >> 2) | (bank & 8); // some dumps have bbanks swapped, if swap commands,
// then all roms can be played, but with some swapped
// games in menu. if not, some dumps are unplayable
// make hard dump for both cart types to check
setprg16(0x8000, bbank | (preg & 3));
setprg16(0xC000, bbank | 3);

That should be removed.


  • cah4e3

    cah4e3 - 2014-12-31

    actually, I don't know for sure which rom are bad and which are good... it should be confirmed with eprom reader dumps, not with copynes. then I will be happy to remove one of the options.

  • Dan Weiss

    Dan Weiss - 2014-12-31

    Bootgod's page says that the dump was confirmed 6 times:
    But it still does not say anything about how it was dumped. I guess you'd have to look at the PCB and follow the wires if you need to figure out how the mapper exactly works, and the correct dump would match that.

  • cah4e3

    cah4e3 - 2014-12-31

    I know about bootgod's dumps, and that's why I said about copynes. all dumps from his db made with copynes. all logic dumpers like copynes/pasofami/kairo/kaizo/whatewer do dumps with obvious assumptions of bits order. I don't know where bad dumps come from, but there are more than one such dump with similar bad behavior, so they wasn't possible dumped with any logical dumpers, but hard dumped with eprom reader. so I just need to prove me right or wrong...

    unfortunately, it's impossible to trace mapper wires, since it's unknown single IC (even if I know all wires under pother chips), much easier to make a hard dump...

    one thing I know for sure, since the markings on regular and Aladdin version EPROMs are the same, dumps should be the same and there is no different wirings between Aladdin and regular versions...


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