
re-assigning the default team for a category

  • David

    David - 2004-02-19


    We are cleaning up our categories and teams on version 1.4.3 and would like to make some default team re-assignments (this is the team field under the category admin screen for new categories).

    I thought that this team was a field in some table but I just went through all the tables under pgsq and coudln't see anything like t_id under anything category related. Is there a way to manually edit this assignment ?

    I checked the version 1.5 changelog and while there are category admin changes it didn't mention this in particular.

    • Peter Harris

      Peter Harris - 2004-02-19

      The table that holds this information is "skillset".  s_cat is the category code, and s_team refers to a t_id,

      The relationship between categories and teams can be  more (even unnecessarily) complex, but since you always want at least one group of people solving each kind of problem, the category admin screen makes you choose one to start with,

      You can do more with skillsets in the team admin page, e.g. use SQL wildcards (%) to match groups of related categories to a team, if you like that sort of thing.



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