
ezQuake / News: Recent posts

Bug- & Feature request trackers moved to Github

Due to ezQuake 3.0 being a major update with rewritten backends for all platforms and the excessive amount of old bug reports, it has been decided to move bug- & feature request tracking to the official repository over at Github (

No old reports will be moved over, if you have an open report, please recreate it over at the Github issue page. Thanks for your help!... read more

Posted by dimman 2014-07-30

ezQuake 2.2

After a long time and a lot of changes in project management we are very soon ready to release ezQuake 2.2 stable! Stay tuned for more information!

Posted by dimman 2013-11-20

ezQuake 2.1.1

We are releasing ezQuake 2.1.1 at this moment. This is a hotfix release for 2.1, fixing the most crucial bug which affects ezQuake/nQuake installations in Program Files or other locations where the process does not have write permissions.

We plan to deliver also new 2.2 version with a new set of features within the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2011-12-08

Code repository migration

Last week we have migrated the source code repository of our project to The SVN repository on is no more valid.

More info:

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2010-10-23

ezQuake seeking for user input

The ezQuake team would like to ask everyone to fill in these two forms. Data obtained from both should result in everyone's benefit.

The first poll is ezQuake hardware compatibility list.
It should take you less than a minute to fill it in. The goal of this poll is to create a list of hardware combinations that are proven to work well with our client.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2010-01-22

ezQuake 2.0 stable

Even if "2.0" version might suggest that this is somewhat reworked release of the ezQuake QuakeWorld client where something big was changed from scratch, it isn't quite so. As always there are many nice new main features like simple-items, Mumble support, IRC support, KTX support, early packets, and spectator interpolation, but also there many important bugfixes and also lots and lots of less significant features.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2009-09-25

ezQuake 2.0 Beta 1

The so-called QuakeWorld Summer Break has been announced to be over for most of the scene. For the ezQuake team it was over some more weeks ago, as we started working on getting the next version of our client ready to be released just in time. We have fixed lots of glitches we knew about and we are now presenting you the ezQuake 2.0 Beta 1 version. The stable version should come in a few weeks after this, depending on how crucial stuff will be found during the public beta testing.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2009-09-08

ezQuake 1.9.3 stable

A month passed since 1.9.3 beta and today we've released final stable builds. This time for all platforms at one time!

The changes from 1.9.3 beta are close to none as there have been only two really minor bugfixes.

To recapitulate most important changes in 1.9.3:
- new f_ruleset reply - removes the need for all other f_* checks
- more strict movement scripts protection with keeping "strafe script" functionality via cl_iDrive
- in_raw_allbuttons - helps get more mouse buttons working in the game for some users... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2009-03-12

ezQuake 1.9.3 Beta 1

Today we have released ezQuake 1.9.3 Beta 1 (so far only Win32 OpenGL build).

This version contains some relatively important bugfixes but also a major update related to usage of this client in official matches.

We'd like to ask everyone to help us test these changes.

Refer to the changelog for details:
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ezQuake 1.9.3 Beta 1 Download:
[ ]... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2009-02-05

ezQuake 1.9.2

After a short time since last stable, here comes another stable version from the 1.9 branch.
It has one big new feature - packet delaying, also known as "client-side minping".
It also fixes and improves the server browser.

[ Changelog ]

[ Download ]

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-10-20

ezQuake 1.9.1

Today we're release ezQuake 1.9.1 stable. This release fixes three issues from version 1.9, besides these, it's completely similar to 1.9.

Read the changelog for further info.

To upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9.1 you need to install whole package.
To upgrade from 1.9 to 1.9.1, just copying over the new ezquake*.exe file is enough.

ezQuake 1.9.1
[ ]... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-09-28

ezQuake 1.9 stable

Today we have released next stable version of the QuakeWorld client ezQuake. Lots of work is behind this version, there are about 120 new features, changes or fixes since the version 1.8 which was released exactly 11 months ago.

Previous release aimed purely on easy configuration and usage of the client, this release is different. It has several big features in various areas. Let's have a brief look at them:... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-04-28

ezQuake 1.9 Beta 2

In this release we've fixed some serious issues from 1.9 Beta 1:
- loading of some of the files: levelshots, loc files, progs (creating single player / multiplayer games) and hud icons
- qwd demos parsing (cl_messages fixing)
- scr_drawVFrags works again

And new features:
- allow models (bmodels alredy support this) use _luma textures
- new defaults for QTV playback
- small changes in the in-game menu... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-04-12

ezQuake 1.9 Beta 1

Finally we've released first beta version of the ezQuake 1.9 QuakeWorld client.
Things betatesters should focus on:
- testing installer
- changes from 1.9 changelog
- demo playback (qwz, zip, gz, mvd.gz, ...)
- QTV observing
- menus
- custom models passing f_modified (plague's pack, debug, ruohis' armor.mdl)

Report bugs to beta testing forum:
Most active beta testers will get credits of course!
1.9 beta 1 download:

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-03-02

ezQuake 1.8.3 released

Unexpectedly, we had to fix an unpleasant issue in the latest official 1.8.2 version of the ezQuake QuakeWorld client. The check procedure used to verify models used in the game didn't correctly detect modifications done to those models.

In 1.8.3 version we do not rely with this check on the external security module, we do the check now in the client. The check now also correctly detects modified models that the security module for 1.8.2 failed to detect.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2008-01-25

ezQuake 1.8 stable released

ezQuake 1.8 stable release
It took longer then usual to make ezQuake ready for next stable release, but the time we needed was turned into an appropriate amount of work. We have put lots of efforts into developing, testing, and accepting suggestions. In April we managed to get into 50 most active projects on, which hosts about 150 000 projects. Lots of people from QuakWorld community helped us with testing and adjusting features we made and we are grateful for this.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2007-05-27

ezQuake 1.8 Beta 2

We've released next beta version for the ezQuake stable release.
To take part in betatesting, head on to this forum thread:

Thanks all beta testers for their hard and valuable work.

This beta version should be 99.99% equal to the stable version which we will release hopefully in less then a week.

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2007-05-10

New Location Files Pack

The author of the best QuakeWorld location definitions - flintheart - has updated his pack today. From now on you can customize also quad, pent, ring and suit location names, same like you always could by changing e.g. loc_name_ra variable within the client.

For example:
/set loc_name_ra $2$0$0
/set loc_name_quad &c44fquad&cfff

The Location files are now part of the ezQuake package.

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2007-04-12

ezQuake 1.8 Beta 1

ezQuake is evolving. New beta release is out and we'd like to try different approach to betatesting. We'd like to go deep and drag lots of people into testing our client. This is the first 1.8 beta release and we'd like to make at least one more before we give out 1.8 stable version.

Lots of new things awaits you in this version. Therefore don't hesitate and grab the links below. Instructions on how to take part in betatesting and what benefits it can bring you are included in the archive.
At the moment only Windows archive is available, Linux, Mac OS X and newly supported FreeBSD are coming very soon.... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2007-04-01

QuakeWorld 10th anniversary brings official release

We've put lots of efforts into fine-tuning ezQuake besed on the feedback we got from you on the release candidates and the result of our work is finally here. The long avaited new official build will be released this sunday - the day of QuakeWorld's 10th birthday!

Loads of new features, improvements and fixes avaits you, check the list here:

Stay tuned with the download page: read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-12-15

Release Candidate 1

Not much to say here, today we've prepared for you Release Candidate 1 of next ezQuake official version. Grab it in the download section. Changelog is here:

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-11-18

Mac OS X

Official Mac OS X build has been released today. Grab it here:

[ ]

Let us know of any bugs you find in our Bugs tracker. Thank you.

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-04-26

ezQuake release 1517

New version of ezQuake has been released today. The most important news
for everyone is: it has compatible security module! Grab the build here:

[ ]

and security module here:

[ ]

Other things this new build brings are for example coloured text, long
awaited jump fix for independent physics and auto demo conversion to
qwz and mvd. New better scripting options with TCL support (!).
Texture packs lovers will appreciate paks.lst and .link features.
There is also new load of MultiView Demo support - Powerup cams and
MVD Moreinfo. In this build you can also fully customize gameclock size,
style and placement and change the text displayed in the taskbar while
ezQuake is minimized. Download speed-meter has been added.
Also there has been some usual modernisation of menus and default
values of some variables. We also include a 24bit charset and HUD icons
since this release. And there is finally ez-styled conback and icon!
For other new things in this release like cl_rollalpha, r_shiftbeam, QTV
support and new triggers see the full changelog:... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-04-21

Security module progress, icon and conback candidates

There has been major progress in security module development yesterday. Disconnect finished the models validation part of it. Now Windows version is about to be compiled and tested. After that usuall debugging phase and I think it won't take long to security module for 1318 build to appear.

Cuky has made decent ezQuake icons and console backgrounds. You can check them on following links.

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Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-03-15

New load of features for next release

We can assure you that the security module is our top priority at the moment, but you may also be interested in what other development is going on in ezQuake these days. New features are mostly those small and nifty ones which some of you would die for.

Namely MVD autotrack (!), MVD powerup cameras, MVD stats, TCL support, new window caption with server status (players, map, prewar/game mode), new scripting commands, userdir, download speed-o-meter, customizable gameclock, QuakeTV support (!), colored messages, f_demostart and f_demoend triggers, automated variables help display, link files, better message triggers, many code cleanups, ...... read more

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-01-30