
Automatic Mounting in Windows XP

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for the tool! The only problem I have is, that automatic mounting does not seem to work with Windows XP as described in the FAQ. I included the registry entry as described but the drive was still not mounted.

    If I mount it manually, everything works as expected. So for the time being I just put a batch file in the autostart dir. Still, it would be nice to know how to mount it automatically.

    Does anybody have an idea?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-02-24

      I encountered this very same problem (running XP Pro SP1) and discovered how to correct it:

      In [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ext2Fsd]
      you should change: "Start"=dword:00000002
      to: "Start"=dword:00000003
      (this switches the service startup type to automatic instead of manual).

      Then when you add the lines to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices] for mounting the partitions you should use only single backslashes as opposed to the double suggested in the FAQ. Ie. instead of the FAQ's example of:
      you should use:
      (if you check the values of the other entries in this registry key you'll see that all of them have single slashes like this).

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        light_speed... this may work with SP1 but it seems that the params are not the same for SP2... I have tried using "Start"=dword:00000001, "Start"=dword:00000002, and "Start"=dword:00000003 and the service will not auto start with XP boot... however, the DOS DEVICE reg edit does add the Z: drive into Explorer and as soon as you cmd>net start ext2fsd, and mount z:, it all works fine...
        Any ideas on the difference and how to solve for SP2?
        I also looked in the Computer Services under admin tools and checked to see if I could change it from manual to auto there and found no entry for it there... so I am lost from here but would love to get it working... :)
        Thanks for all the time and effort y'all have put into this much needed Win service!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Correction, it isn't that it wont start the service... I found that it was in fact doing that....

        But it is not auto mounting the drive... I have to do that manually.... also...

        Whoever created the thread to begin with.. I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy of your BAT file that you use to make this work.... I can not figure out how to get it to start via batch either...


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-02-24

      Eek, sorry, typo in my above post! I meant you should change from "Start"=dword:00000003 to "Start"=dword:00000002, not the other way round!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i have problems the
      (if you check the values of the other entries in this registry key you'll see that all of them have single slashes like this).
      part. In the "folder" DOS Devices you create a new registry or what? I have practicaly no experiance with regedit, i couldt just change a few things with automatic startup and write abilaty in that program.
      I would be very glad for any help, even if this post is ages old.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Another reason automatic mounting may not be working is because Windows seems to ignore partitions with an id of 0x83 (Which is what ext2/ext3 use).

      Not for any nefarious reason, it just isn't on their list of 'known' partitions. If you create an ext2/ext3 partition in a Windows-type (e.g. 0x06) automatic detection seems to work.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If your answering to my post i think you misunderstood my problem. Its not that its not working, its i dont know how to make it work. What do you have to do in regedit to make it mount automaticaly (i made it start ext2fsd automaticaly allready).
      I heard there was another way of making it mount automatically. With ms dos, save a cmd file containing the command "mount 0 2 e:" for example. How do i save a cmd file?

    • Giuseppe Bilotta

      I have found <a href="">this interesting article over at MSDN</a> explaining that automatic mounting is only supported when the driver can provide UUIDs for the partitions. If this functionality is added to ext2fsd, XP will probably allow usage of the ext2 paritions from the disk manager ...

      I just sent an email to the developer with this same link. Hope at least one of the messages will reach him :)


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