
Tree [754efd] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 ccl 2018-01-25 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [9fee4e] Bump version to 4.3.5-Beta2; cleanup delivery
 clim 2018-06-13 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [acc638] Restructure *mode* value for -mode resource
 clsm 2017-10-05 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [b61c59] Convert (find ...) to (loop ...) in CLSM
 docs 2018-12-19 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [3844fa] OpenOffice document to keep track of Patch_sche...
 init 2009-08-20 clanning clanning [0180e5] Renamed init/preferences.lisp to init/eengine.lisp
 kernel 2019-01-31 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [754efd] Update Compare for new captured Abstract info
 linux 2016-06-13 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [b42551] Comment out the runtime logical host definitions.
 lw 2017-09-08 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [b4a41d] Use (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 1)) f...
 manuals 2019-01-22 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [8268ee] Update to Developer Manual
 plugins 2019-01-31 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [c700c2] Use captured abstract type in XML output
 s-xml 2018-05-08 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [38b472] Fixed misspelled function name
 sbcl 2018-10-23 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [bda66e] Add option to SBCL delevery call
 scripts 2018-12-11 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [67af20] Initial checkin of scripts
 site 2016-10-14 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [603546] Initial code for --mapp
 tests 2016-04-24 TRThurman TRThurman [0ae8fa] add note about 'script' command.
 win32 2016-06-13 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [b42551] Comment out the runtime logical host definitions.
 .gitignore 2018-10-25 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [e132c5] Ignore the entire contents of the qualify direc...
 00check.txt 2018-04-26 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [15d1fd] Change status of one item
 00xml.txt 2018-06-27 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [c74d93] Rename 00notes.txt to 00xml.txt
 ChangeLog 2003-05-29 clanning clanning [4f2c73] New file
 Makefile 2018-10-23 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [5ed015] Cleanup Makefile and add some comments
 README.txt 2009-09-30 clanning clanning [3ebc05] Add an initial README.txt file and update the v...
 eeng.translations 2013-09-05 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [e1a2dc] Cleanup eeng.translations
 load-engine.lisp 2018-05-17 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [ff7844] Minor update to load-engine script
 modules.lst 2018-12-11 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [67af20] Initial checkin of scripts
 qualify-mod.txt 2018-07-03 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [fe60d0] Add files related to Qualification of Express E...
 qualify-res.txt 2018-07-03 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [fe60d0] Add files related to Qualification of Express E... 2018-12-13 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [eb0774] Add comment for readability
 resources.lst 2018-12-11 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [67af20] Initial checkin of scripts
 system.lisp 2017-02-01 Craig Lanning Craig Lanning [91ac14] Don't need (in-package ...) for Genera

Read Me

-*- Mode: Text -*-

		  Express Engine The Next Generation

This is a reimplementation of the Express Engine code.

Initially, it is being released as only a command line application.
Later we will reinstate the GUI code.

It includes:
 o  a 2 pass Part-11 parser
 o  a 1 pass Part-21 parser

Development is currently done using the SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp)
development environment.

To Build:

In the top level directory, run the commands:

  sbcl --load sbcl/compile

  sbcl --load sbcl/deliver

You should then have either a 'eengine' or 'eengine.exe' file.  This
file may be moved or copied to wherever you want to keep it.

Running it without any commands will display the help.