
Country specific Metadata

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-20

    Hi Steve, I'm finding that EPGC always seems to default to the US version of a TV series where there are different versions for different countries. A prime example is Family Feud, according to the TVDB there are 3 basic versions of this show, US NZ and AUS. Can you somehow make it return the series metadata appropriate to the country of origin. eg if I'm in Australia, have it return metadata for the Australian version wherever there are multiple international versions.


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2016-12-21

    I'll have a think about this.

    EPGC does use any country code that is in the broadcast data to look up movie or tv series data but only EIT, FreeSat and MHW data has the field present and even then most broadcasters don't send it.

    Monitor this thread and I'll post back when I've worked something out.

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-21

    I am using the Mheg5 data stream if that helps. Thanks for looking at this.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2016-12-22

    Try the attached.

    I'm still not sure about this change though. Take the quiz programme called The Chase as an example. If your broadcaster transmitted the UK version and the guide called it 'The Chase', metadata lookup would now attach info relating to The Chase Australia, not the correct info for the UK version.

    The change only works for the local versions of programmes, not for another countries version if that country is not in the title.

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-22

    Hi Steve, I've just installed it on a test pc (that doesn't have a tuner) because I wanted to check if it contained the Categories fix you gave me earlier - it doesn't. Any chance you can combine the two? That way I can run it for a while and provide you some feedback whilst keeping things nice with the Emby guide.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2016-12-22

    It has the fix in when I install from the attachment.

    Does Help - About show it as fixpack 8?

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-22

    yes, it is there. my eyes are playing tricks, because I had not enabled the xmltv section it was greyed out and I missed it. Thanks, will install and provide feedback as things crop up. many thanks.

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-22

    Hi again. Just noticed this when checking around FP8.
    In the Change box for adding shows that are not to be considered as a Movie, every time the epg collection runs the entries are duplicated, If I go in and delete the duplicates, they are re-created next run. see pic

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2016-12-22

    The attached version fixes that fault.

    Incidentally I think you may have to 'reload all metadata' to get the region change to show up. This is because you already have the non-regionalised version of any shows in your local database and EPGC will use those rather than loading the correct regionalised data from TVDB.

  • Paul Jordan

    Paul Jordan - 2016-12-22

    Ok, Thanks Steve. Will let you know how I go. cheers and Merry Xmas


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