
Media Centre Guide not updating

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    I can't find step by step instructions of how to set up this program for UK/Freeview/Media Centre. Are there any? If not I would be happy to write one (if I ever get it working).

    I have installed the program, and selected UK and Wrekin (W) transmitter. However, the frequencies given don't seem to work.

    I did some research, and obtained a list of actual frequencies from the web (the resulting settings are:

    TuningFile=UK.The Wrekin (W).xml

    TuningFile=UK.The Wrekin (W).xml

    TuningFile=UK.The Wrekin (W).xml

    TuningFile=UK.The Wrekin (W).xml

    TuningFile=UK.The Wrekin (W).xml

    I ran the collector, and it seemed to collect some data.

    However, my Media Centre does not show any new data. Is there something I should do to make it use the new data? And/or to stop it using BDS data?

    By the way, the log shows the following error:

    14:19:30:024 Running Windows Media Centre Utility to clear programme flags
    14:19:30:152 Windows Media Center Utility build: 4.0.4543.23000
    14:19:42:638 Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'mcepg, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
    14:19:42:645 File name: 'mcepg, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
    14:19:42:655    at WMCUtility.Program.clearFlags()
    14:19:42:663    at WMCUtility.Program.Main(String args)
    14:19:42:672 WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
    14:19:42:675 To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value  (DWORD) to 1.
    14:19:42:678 Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
    14:19:42:682 To turn this feature off, remove the registry value .
    14:19:43:037 Windows Media Centre Utility has completed: exit code -532459699
    14:19:43:095 <e> Windows Media Centre failed: reply code -532459699

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    BTW, I am running on Windows Vista, patched up to date.

  • Rew

    Rew - 2013-01-02

    There is quite a bit of detail in the Readme.txt in the Progam Files\Geekzone\EPG Collector folder.

    You also seem to have the same issue that we have, as per this post

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have just found the readme file, and read the bit about importing to Media Centre. Unfortunately the instructions don't seem to work in my (Vista) version of Media Centre. e.g.
    It says :

    each channel concerned must be edited as follows.

    1. Navigate to the programme guide.
    2. Click on the channel name.
    3. Click 'Edit Channel'.
    I have no such option if I left or right click on a channel. I tried "Add listings to channel", but that did not give me the other options below.
    4. Click 'Edit Listings'.
    5. Click 'Disable Inband' if necessary.
    6. Scan the list of EPG sources and click on the relevant entry.
    7. Click 'Save'

  • Rew

    Rew - 2013-01-02

    Yes, neither did I until I updated using the TV Pack (as I mentioned in another post) and now I can see those options. I now have listings for the next seven days but because I haven't had a successful EPG Collector run I'm not exactly sure where they have come from; I think it may be from the signal somehow.

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    I wish I could find your other post. Searching for "TV Pack" produced no results with the quotes and loads of apparently irrelevant ones without.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2013-01-02

    rewgb - if Freeview broadcasts inband EIT data WMC can load it.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2013-01-02

    nikkilocke - The tuning files came from MythTV about 3 years ago so I'm not surprised the terrestrial ones have some that are incorrect.

    I've replaced the frequencies for Wrekin(w) with the ones you found for the next release.

  • Rew

    Rew - 2013-01-02

    nikkilocke: the link is on reply 3 on this post

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    Can't find anything about TV Pack there, but I have found TV Pack using Google at , downloaded it (and something called PlayReady PC), installed them both, run Windows Update, and restarted Media Centre. I now have no TV at all. If I run TV Setup (as instructed on that page), it gets to the bit where it is supposed to download the guide and stuff, and hangs, seemingly forever (I have just left it to run overnight, to make sure).
    Every time I try to fix it, it seems to get worse :-(

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-02

    Duh - looked again at that link you gave, and your TV  Pack info is there. Sorry. Still doesn't work, though :-(

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-03

    OK, things are looking better this morning. The download must eventually have given up, and it went on to detect the TV channels.
    It seems the TV Pack enables Media Centre to get its guide from the signal, rather than downloading it.
    In any case, I went through all the channels one at a time and set them all to get the guide information from the signal.

    I guess this means I no longer need EPG Collector?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2013-01-03

    No you don't need EPGC if WMC is getting the inband data for you.

    I had a feeling some of the data was compressed (HD channels maybe?) Is the whole guide looking OK?

    The only reason to use something like EPGC in this situation might be if (a) WMC wasn't linking programs in a series or (b) you wanted the extra metadata EPGC can load.

    Always better to use the minimum amount of software you can IMO.

  • Nikki Locke

    Nikki Locke - 2013-01-07

    I don't have HD, so that doesn't bother me.

    In a separate (Microsoft) forum where I reported this, the word is that the regular guide is working again. Looks like they paid the bill :-)

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2013-01-07

    They must have had a whip round.

    Keep EPGC installed as a backup.


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