
Unable to download TV guide

jim barger
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-21

    zap2xlm has been working for months without problems on two different systems (using zap2it).

    Last few days got nothing. Bat for zap2it responds with (empty data set):

    Lineup favorites: 7
    Downloaded 786 bytes in 2 http requests using 1 socket.
    Writing XML file: xmltv.xml
    Completed in 4s <parse: 4s="">0 stations, 0 programs, 0 scheduled.</parse:>

    So tried TVGuide (first time), Command responded back with following error:

    [57,11/] Parsing: cache/1609153200000.js.gz
    Not an ARRAY reference at script/zap2xml.p1 line 1160.


  • Guy M

    Guy M - 2020-12-21

    Add '-Z your_zip' to the zap2xml command. Was having same issue and this resolved it for me.

    Found the solution here :

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-21

    I added the -Z to command that got guide, but all but 2 (of of 7 channels) physical addresses are wrong now. I have to re-map channels, delete scheduled series shows and re-schedule series shows to complete operation. What a nightmare!

  • Guy M

    Guy M - 2020-12-21

    Sorry to hear that. Adding the -Z just fixed it for me.

    Sound like you may be getting different data on your download somehow. You may want to hold off on re-doing your scheduled series as getting the correct data should resolve that issue, I would think.

    When you log on to zap2it via a browser, is the data displayed correct? Using the same zip as you added to the command?


    Last edit: Guy M 2020-12-21
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-21

    It is same zip zip code both places. Guide looks fine. But like I also indicated, physical channels frequencies for all but 2 (out of the 7) are also wrong.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-23

    To: Guy M: I have two systems tracking tv shows. The system I did few days ago, is running pretty idle lately so no real impact. So I waited until today to re-try second system. Ran it without the -Z change. Worked! Guide seems a little short (9 days instead of 14), but all looks good. Anyway Thanks Guy M.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-23

    Correction: System 2 did download 14 days, but did not display/process new year data. The xmltv.xml file contains all but collector did not process new year. Help! Enclosed file. This system is running 4.3 with FP 15.

  • Guy M

    Guy M - 2020-12-23

    Firstly, glad to hear it's working without the zip. Appears to me that zap2it was having an issue remembering zips as I had to input my zip and choose 'local OTA broadcasts' each time I logged on to the web site. That's not happening today, so they apparently resolved this issue. I removed the -Z option from my command line and it looks to be working as it had previously.

    My WMC populated with the full 14 Days from that D/L, so I'm not seeing your new issue. I am however running FP 28, so there may have been a fix somewhere between 15 and 28? Dunno, but I I got FP28 from this post if you are interested: I also have to launch WMC a second time before the guide shows the new info.

    Also, did running w/o the -Z option on system 1 resolve the wrong 'physical channels frequencies' nightmare you mentioned?

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-23

    Think this lockdown/isolation is screwing up my mind! System 1 has 4.3 FP 23 and System 2 4.3 FP28!

    So System 2 (with the missing next year problem) has latest update and is failing to deal with 2021 data. Strange your FP 28 version worked an mine didn't?

    Little late to retry System 1 without -Z since it is already re-configured. I could lay an older clone over that system and try, but not sure I want to do all that.

    If no further ideas occur, I was hoping on Jan 1 it might start working again (maybe it is thinking Jan data is older than Dec data??)

  • Guy M

    Guy M - 2020-12-23

    Didn't realize you had already reconfigured, was just curious if simply removing the -Z would resolve the channel issue.

    I don't have any further ideas regarding 2021 data either :(

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-12-24

    Post your system 2 xml file and I'll take a look.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-24

    Couple extras just in case:

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-12-27

    When I imported your xml file I ended up with data up to the 7th Jan.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-12-27

    New two weeks data flow came in last night. Everything worked fine this time! Strange life.

    Things have really been working quite nice. Only strange thing that occasionally happens, is some show that decides that it should be one of my series selections!

    Anyway, thanks for great tool and outstanding support. Have a Happy New Year!

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-12-27

    Glad to hear it worked.

    And a Happy New Year to you Jim as well.


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