
epgcollector v25 problems with movie categories

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  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-23

    I have uploaded the whole ehome folder as a rar to onedrive and sent you link for onedrive the same way as before by messaging you direct.
    I checked the db file you downloaded with the one on my drive using software and they are identical apparently.
    Let me know how you get on and if you can't get it to work, I can ran another pass with epgc and then send you the updated ehome folder again, incase there is a glitch with the data at the moment.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-23

    Don't seem to have the new link. Can you send it again.

    If this method doesn't work we can always backup the guide lineup and you can send me that.


    Last edit: Steve Bickell 2020-05-23
  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-24

    Ive messaged you the new link again.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-05

    Hi Steve, did you manage to get the link ok and did you manage to suss out the problems im getting and why?
    I tried the v26 fixpack I noticed you released, but it still does not work just as fixpack 25.
    There is only the 24 beta I can seem to use without issues?

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-06

    Could you install fp26 again and use the new feature under the Help menu to create a debug file. When the dialog asks you to select the files tick log, category files and database backup

    Send me the resulting pkg file. It should be small enough to attach to a post.

    You can revert to fp24 again then.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-06

    Here is two pkg files.
    The first EPG Collector 20200606 122759.pkg is from the first pass to media center when only three movie categories appear, i think comedy, family and general.
    the second version EPG Collector 20200606 132822.pkg is after the second pass to media center when all categories are shown including ones that shouldn't be for movies such as game show, talk show etc.
    This version also you will notice now duplicates actors and directors etc, i think every time a new pass to media center is done from then on, one more occurance is added..
    I have also uploaded the output xml file again along with my xmltv category file I am using if that helps.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-08

    One thing that is wrong is that the TVGuide_utf16.xml has an invalid format for the Actor tag.

    Each person must have a separate Actor tag.

    So <actor>Brad Garret, Monica Horan</actor> should be

    <actor>Brad Garret</actor>
    <actor>Monica Horan</actor>

    Same for producers etc.

    When EPGC imports the incorrect file you will end up with a single person defined with the name of Brad Garret, Monica Horan and I don't know what WMC will do when that format is imported. It might account for the duplication of names.

    Where does the TVGuide_utf16.xml come from? From a script you have created?


    Last edit: Steve Bickell 2020-06-08
  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-09

    As i mentioned earlier in the thread, the source of the xml file comes from data using as the data source for webgrab plus to use.
    They are formatted with actors all in one line in the xml file such as:
    <actor>Mark Williams, Emer Kenny</actor>
    However, looking at a recent version of the webgrab source from, it appears that only actor is added in the xml file and no producer or directors are mentioned.
    They must be added from epg collector after it processes it.
    Here is the latest webgrab file from

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-09

    I only mentioned producers etc for completeness in case you were editing the file. I haven't seen any. or the webgrab author must fix the actor tag so it is in the correct format. Here's one from the file you posted that is even worse

    <actor>Anna Faris, Tom Cavanagh,, featuring the voices of Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake</actor>

    Notice that there is an empty name after Tom Cavanagh and the 'featuring' entry is not a valid actor name.


    Last edit: Steve Bickell 2020-06-09
  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-09

    Yeah i see what you are saying, it is crazy formating, not at all structured in any way.
    So howcome epg collector v24 beta and less are managing to process these files without duplicates even though they appear invalid and newer versions do not?

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-09

    here is the part with yogi bear from the output xml after the webgrab xml file as been processed using epg collecter v24 beta below.
    the movie data looks like is replaced by your program using
    the description and imdb ratings are altered prior to being processed by my script.

    <programme start="20200614161000 +0100" stop="20200614175000 +0100" channel="17">
    <category>Movie - Comedy</category>

    <previously-shown start="20100101120000 +0000">
    <director>Eric Brevig</director>
    <producer>James Dyer</producer>
    <writer>Brad Copeland</writer>
    <writer>Jennifer Ventimilia</writer>
    <writer>Joshua Sternin</writer>
    <actor>Dan Aykroyd</actor>
    <actor>Justin Timberlake</actor>
    <actor>Anna Faris</actor>
    <actor>Tom Cavanagh</actor>
    <actor>T. J. Miller</actor>
    <actor>Nate Corddry</actor>
    <actor>Andrew Daly</actor>
    <actor>David Stott</actor>
    <actor>Greg Johnson</actor>
    <actor>Patricia Aldersley</actor>
    <actor>Tim McLachlan</actor>
    <actor>Josh Robert Thompson</actor>
    <actor>Hayden Vernon</actor>
    <actor>Barry Duffield</actor>
    <actor>Michael Morris</actor>
    <actor>William Wallace</actor>
    <actor>Suzana Srpek</actor>
    <actor>Anna Dawson</actor>
    <icon src="file://C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Images\Movies\005e7e55-cad7-4d35-9176-d43689dd355d.jpg">
    <title>Yogi Bear</title>
    <desc>IMDB Rating 4.6/10 19840 votes- 2010-A conniving bear and his diminutive sidekick learn that the national park they live in is due to be closed down by the greedy local mayor. They must join forces with their old foe, a park ranger who resents their mischief-making, to save the day. Comedy based on the cartoon series, starring Anna Faris and Tom Cavanagh, and featuring the voices of Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake</desc>

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-09

    Here is the same part processed with epg collector v26.
    It looks identical apart from the categories are different...
    These are from the output xml files but not sure what happens with media center, why the actors are being duplicated as they are clearly not with the output xml files from any epg collector versions.

    <programme start="20200614161000 +0100" stop="20200614175000 +0100" channel="17">

    <previously-shown start="20100101120000 +0000">
    <director>Eric Brevig</director>
    <producer>James Dyer</producer>
    <writer>Brad Copeland</writer>
    <writer>Jennifer Ventimilia</writer>
    <writer>Joshua Sternin</writer>
    <actor>Dan Aykroyd</actor>
    <actor>Justin Timberlake</actor>
    <actor>Anna Faris</actor>
    <actor>Tom Cavanagh</actor>
    <actor>T. J. Miller</actor>
    <actor>Nate Corddry</actor>
    <actor>Andrew Daly</actor>
    <actor>David Stott</actor>
    <actor>Greg Johnson</actor>
    <actor>Patricia Aldersley</actor>
    <actor>Tim McLachlan</actor>
    <actor>Josh Robert Thompson</actor>
    <actor>Hayden Vernon</actor>
    <actor>Barry Duffield</actor>
    <actor>Michael Morris</actor>
    <actor>William Wallace</actor>
    <actor>Suzana Srpek</actor>
    <actor>Anna Dawson</actor>
    <icon src="file://C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector\Images\Movies\5439eacb-30e5-4191-a177-f40f8e01e29c.jpg">
    <title>Yogi Bear</title>
    <desc>IMDB Rating 4.6/10 19839 votes- 2010-A conniving bear and his diminutive sidekick learn that the national park they live in is due to be closed down by the greedy local mayor. They must join forces with their old foe, a park ranger who resents their mischief-making, to save the day. Comedy based on the cartoon series, starring Anna Faris and Tom Cavanagh, and featuring the voices of Dan Aykroyd and Justin Timberlake</desc>

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-10

    The xmltv you've posted from fp26 is the correct format for the category tags. The previous version showing just Movie - Comedy was always the wrong format and didn't include all the categories present on TMDB/TVDB. FP25 fixed that.

    You can look at the TVGuide.mxf file to see what is imported to WMC. It's an xml formatted file but it's structured in a different way to an xmltv file.

    You can see the categories and actors (persons) that are present and for each programme tag which ones are linked to a programme.

    The data in the mxf file basically replaces what's already in the WMC database, it's not additive, so if a programme has a number of actors linked to it in the database, the mxf import replaces that list with the new one, it doesn't add to them, so the duplicates would have to be present in a single mxf file.

    I haven't been able to recreate either the duplication of actors or the category problems although i can only check the mxf file as the other database you gave me still won't open in WMC.

    I think it's possible that it's because your database is called mcepg3-0.db and all the databases I've processed in the past have been mcepg2-n.db. How did you end up with a database with 3 as the major version number?

    The database name also stopped the new feature to create a debug package from working properly as it expected the database name to be mcepg2-n.db. I've attached a new version which should correct this problem so can you install it, run EPG Centre and create a debug package ticking

    General log
    Parameter file
    Import files
    Category files
    XMLTV file
    Database backup
    Import file (mxf)

    Assuming the debug packager works this time, I can recreate your database from the backup files and actually import your data to it.

    You should never need to send me individual files anymore. Always create a debug package and if there are any 'special' files that aren't covered by the create debug package options include them in the package using the other files list at the bottom. The package file is compressed so it's more efficient to post it than sending the individual files and it's easier for me to manage rather than dealing with lots of individual files.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-10

    Ok, i have reset media center and cleared database.

    I am not sure why the database is labelled 3 and not 2? strange...

    I have uploaded two debug pkg files.
    The first is after the first pass to media center, it is called EPG Collector 20200610 180455.pkg
    I also included in this file the original webgrab data, it is a file called guide.xml.

    The second pkg file is after the second pass to media center. it is called EPG Collector 20200610 183941.pkg

    After this is processed by media center there are now two entries for actors, directors etc in media center.

    Subsequently, should I continue to update media center from then on, more entries of the same actor/director would be added etc.

    This is most weird considering you mention that media center does not add data but replaces data.

    Like I have mentioned prior and what is also strange, is that early versions of epg collector will not duplicate entries.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-12

    Looking at the mxf files in the debug packages they are correct. There is no duplication of cast/crew and all the categories look OK.

    The debug packages still don't include a backup of your WMC database. According to the log it was looking for the mcepg3-1\backup directory under the ehome directory and couldn't find it.

    Is there one? Whatever the mcepg3-n directory is can you post the file in the mcepg3-n\backup\lineup directory and I should be able to restore it and create your database. It will be called something like 202006dd_time..

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-12

    Sure, there was 3 files in the linup with I have put into a rar file.
    The folder in the ehome directory is actually called mcepg3-0 so that is why it could not locate it.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-14

    Thanks for the files. I have finally managed to recreate your database although I did have to edit the backup files slightly. I realise now you are running the unoffical WIn10 version of WMC and whoever created it has updated the internal version number from 6.1 to 6.3. That is why your database is mcepg3 and not 2.

    Try the attached version.

    I have fixed the duplcation of cast and crew. A field relating to the person definition in the MXF file was removed in fp25 becuase it didn't appear to be needed but it turned out it was.

    The categories look fine to me when I import your data into your database so just check those again. I would probably recommend using EPG Centre to clear the guide and running another collection so that you start from a known point.

    I have also fixed the problem with the debug package not including the WMC database or database backup so I'd appreciate it if you could create a couple of packages, one with the log and WMC database and one with the log and database backup.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-14

    Thanks for the updated version you sent. I have installed it and reset media center with epgcollector and done new passes.
    I have sent you a link by clicking your name on this page and sending you a message as it was a big file over 150mb so i sent it as a rar file through google drive.
    I have sent you the debug files the mxf file to check along with log and database files as you requested.
    Everything seems good now apart from certain movies that are not getting any movie data when they once was from the movie database lookup.
    For these examples there are no movie pictures shown in media center and no cast and crew information.
    An example would be 'Dirty Grandpa'.
    they seem to be under category movies/general im not sure if this is why they are not being looked up on movie database?
    before with v24 beta 'Dirty Grandpa' was set as movie comedy.
    I have also upload two ouptut xml files for you to check the difference.
    One is from v27 and one is from v24 beta.
    You can see the difference with them both as v24 beta all actors and crew is present but v27 does not.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-14

    i forgot to upload xmltv category file although it is same as one earlier I uploaded.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-15

    Thanks for the pkg files. The WMC database and it's backup are now present so the 'create debug package' option now works for WMC on Win 10.

    The reason that the movie lookup is not working for those movies is because they have an erroneous episode-num tag with what looks like the year in the episode part.

    A change was introduced in either fp25 or 26 that no longer considers programmes with a seson/episode number as a movie.

    If it is the year that is present that should be in a date tag.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-15

    Thanks for the info.
    I have corrected the ini file to stop episode numbers being corrected by epgcollector and this solved the problem with erroneous number tag.
    Just one last help please if that's ok.
    All is working now apart from categories appearing in media center for movies that shouldn't such as game show and mini-series, this wasn't the case using epg collector v24 and previous.
    I noticed from the mxf file that v27 produces the following:

    <keyword word="Movies" id="k6">
    <keyword word="All" id="k600">
    <keyword word="Comedy" id="k601">
    <keyword word="comedy" id="k602">
    <keyword word="Game Show" id="k603">
    <keyword word="Crime" id="k604">
    <keyword word="Drama" id="k605">
    <keyword word="Mini-Series" id="k606">
    <keyword word="Fantasy" id="k607">
    <keyword word="Food" id="k608">
    <keyword word="News" id="k609">
    <keyword word="Science Fiction" id="k610">
    <keyword word="Special Interest" id="k611">
    <keyword word="Talk Show" id="k612">
    <keyword word="Travel" id="k613">
    <keyword word="Documentary" id="k614">
    <keyword word="Sport" id="k615">
    <keyword word="Horror" id="k616">
    <keyword word="Romance" id="k617">
    <keyword word="Family" id="k618">
    <keyword word="Reality" id="k619">
    <keyword word="Mystery" id="k620"></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword></keyword>

      as you can see these categories are not all connected to being a movie, talk show, travel etc.
      This is the same part from epgcollector v24:
            <Keyword id="k10" word="Movies" />
      <Keyword id="k1000" word="All" />
      <Keyword id="k1001" word="Documentary" />
      <Keyword id="k1002" word="Comedy" />
      <Keyword id="k1003" word="Drama" />
      <Keyword id="k1004" word="Adventure" />
      <Keyword id="k1005" word="Thriller" />
      <Keyword id="k1006" word="Animation" />
      <Keyword id="k1007" word="Music" />
      <Keyword id="k1008" word="History" />
      <Keyword id="k1009" word="Family" />
      <Keyword id="k1010" word="Horror" />
      <Keyword id="k1011" word="TV Movie" />
      <Keyword id="k1012" word="Mystery" />
      <Keyword id="k1013" word="Action" />
      <Keyword id="k1014" word="Science Fiction" />
      <Keyword id="k1015" word="Western" />
      <Keyword id="k1016" word="War" />
      <Keyword id="k1017" word="Romance" />
      <Keyword id="k1018" word="Crime" />
      <Keyword id="k1019" word="Fantasy" />
      As you can see these are all relevant to movies.
      Is there any reason why the categories are not correct now and how they can be editied?
      At least if the irrelevant ones can be removed?
      Thanks for your help by the way.
  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-06-15

    When I run your data with fp27 the categories are correct, the same as you list them for fp24.

    I wonder if the locally stored TMDB data is incorrect from past collections. Try doing a collection with the lookup parameters set to reload all metadata.

    If they are still wrong after that create a debug package with

    General log
    Parameter file
    import file(s)
    Category files
    XMLTV file
    Import file(MXF)

    all ticked.

    Just send me the pkg file. Everything I need to see will be in it.

    PS remember to untick lookup reload all metadata after the run above. Reloading the database makes a collection take about 60 minutes on my test machine.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-16

    I just tried what you suggested but unfortunately the same outcome with the unwanted categories showing again in media center.
    I have uploaded the debug package as you asked for.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-16

    Just to mention, that i did notice the unwanted categories have no movies showing when you click them, so logically, I would think that it is not a result of the the movie database lookup error or you would expect a film to be in the categories.
    It is odd how epg collector v24 and less didn't do this.
    I can only persume it comes from a change you made between v24 and v25+?

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-06-16

    I was thinking of a way to test what is happening in a simplier manner.
    I decided to create a test ini file that grabs just one channel from air grab called film4 and does a lookup for films and tv then ouputs to media center. It does not create any xml file.
    I cleared media center and did a pass with epg collector v24 beta.
    I made a debug log with the config file, xmf file and database backup.
    I then cleared media center and repeated this for epg collector v27.
    I made another debug log.
    I have sent you both below.
    From looking at both, v24 beta as all the movies and with the correct categories.
    V27 all seem to be under category movies general.
    There appears to be no data for cast and crew.
    So there clearly is something different with both versions and not sure what needs to be done?

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