
epgcollector v25 problems with movie categories

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  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-13

    Hi, Thanks for the update.
    However, I am having problems now with media center which is categorising programs that shouldn't be movies as movies now for some reason.
    This wasn't the case with v24 beta I used.
    For example of programs that are now being classed as movies include the game show 'the chase'
    which is under category movie/serious/classical/religious/historical/drama when originally with v24 beta it was just drama for the category.
    'Home and Away' is another example this time category is Soap,movie/serious/classical/religious/historical/drama wheras before it was drama/soap with 24 beta..
    Another example is '8 out of 10 cats do countdown' which is Comedy/gameshow/movies and was just Comedy/gameshow with 24 beta.
    I am not sure what has changed from v24 beta or previous, but any help would be appreciated.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-13

    I forgot to add that in the config file i use under lookup I set the minimum time for a movie to be 70 minutes so the examples above should not apply?
    I also added in the 'programs that are not movies' part 'the chase' so this should not have been classed as movie?
    Lastly, the xml output appears to be fine, it is just media center that is affected.
    I have included the xml file that is the import xml, the output xml plus the mxf file and my config so hopefully this should help.

  • Dave Evans

    Dave Evans - 2020-05-14


  • Dave Evans

    Dave Evans - 2020-05-14


  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-15

    Can I have a look at the log and XMLTV Categories.cfg which will be in the install directory if you have never used EPG Centre to edit it or the same directory as the log if you have.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-15

    And have you ever created any custo9m categories? If so let me have that file as well.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-15

    i think you must have done what I said above and edited the categories as an old categories file would cause this problem (ie one without the changes I released with fp25)..

    The categories in the XMLTV file you import are decoded using the XMLTV Categories.cfg file in the install directory or, if you have edited it with EPG Centre, the log directory.

    The Chase has the category of Drama in your import file which gets decoded using the old XMLTV Categories.cfg to the value you see in WMC.

    With the new XMLTV Categories.cfg file I have just released it will get decoded to just Drama. The new XMLTV Categories.cfg will be in the installation directory. You will have to merge any of your customizations with the new file.

    Prior to fp25 the decoding of import categories may not have been working properly using the cfg file so that's why it looked OK.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-15

    So... It did turn out I had a xmltv categories file in programdata part.
    I renamed it so epg collector would use the new categories file and this worked except!....
    Now the movie categories are not there in media center.
    I remember back before the problem being it should say movies in the xmltv categories file and not 'movie'.
    However, the new xmltv categories file states 'movie' again, so i tried editing it to movies but this has not seemed to help very much.
    I will upload the epg collector log file abd the old xmltv categories file plus that used to work with previous versions.
    If you could possibly check media center using the new xmltv config file in v25 and see if the categories are showing up correctly.
    If not, please can you edit the file to correct the fault with movie categories not showing in media center now and send it to me please.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-15

    That categories file is wrong. There is no 'movies' entry and I don't know what you edited but the one I release has a lot more entries than that.

    Make sure you don't have any XMLTV Categories.cfg file in the log directory and then manually edit the one in the install directory and save it bck to the install directory (use Notepad or similar).

    Duplicate the 'movie' line but change the first word to 'movies' so you end up with a 'movie' line and a 'movies' line.

    It worked when I processed your import file with that edit in and did metadata lookup.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-16

    Hi Steve, I tried your suggestion but it did not work. I still have few categories showing in media center.
    It shows comedy, romance, family and a category called ismovies.
    I have included a screenshot to show you, plus the log file again, and the modified xmltv categories file incase I edited it wrong if you could check.
    I also made sure there was no other xmltv categories.cfg file in the log directory and it does seem to use the install directory one looking at the log file.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-16

    I'm just processing your data using your ini file which is going to take a while but in the meantime I noticed from the log that only 34 categories were loaded from the XMLTV Catgories.cfg file but the file you have posted (and the file I have here) load 35.

    Also the log lists Movies as an undefined category so it looks like the one in your install directory is still not the correct one.

    The log lists 33 programs that had the 'Movie' category and 448 that had the undefined 'Movies' category. The 33 with the 'Movie' category were probably created by TMDB lookup while the 448 with 'Movies' were probably like that in the import file.

    Interestingly at the end of the log for the XMLTV import it shows 448 programs have been flagged as movies ie all those with the category 'Movies' rather than 'Movie'

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-16

    I've realised the data I'm processing is the xml file created by EPGC not your import file.

    Can you send me the file you import to EPGC.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-17

    Hi, I already sent the import file used by epgc to add metadata too. Its at the top of this post called tvguide_utf16.xml.
    Originally that data in the file came from webgrab plus program using as the source.
    It is odd all the undefined movies as they was all categorised before.
    I will upload the webgrab file as an example, however this is the latest version as I no longer have the one from days ago.
    I will upload the new tvguide_utf16.xml file too that corresponds to the latest version of the webgrab data.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-17

    Ignore those files above as they are corrupted as for some reason they have no categories for movies in the xml files,ie. <category>Movie</category>

    Here is correct versions

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-19

    OK I'm back looking at this problem today.

    Nothing to do with this problem but you must run some sort of script to edit the webgrab xml file before you import to EPGC. Is that right?

    i ask because there is a reference to DomainObjects in the second line of the TVGuide_utf16.xml file. That text is output by EPGC when it creates an xml output file and it's what confused me about what you were importing to EPGC. If you are editing the webgrab file take the DomainObjects reference out as it's confusing. Change it to just <tv> or replace DomainObjects with some sort of identifier so you know the file came from your script.</tv>

    Also the Credit elements that webgrab creates are in the wrong format. Each Actor should be in it's own element, not in one element as a comma separated list. EPGC will consider the lists as one person when it imports the file. If you can I would edit these so that each credit eg Actor has its own element so it would lokk like
    <actor>Michael Caine</actor>
    <actor>Al Pacino</actor>

    I'll post on the original problem after I've done some testing.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-19

    I've run a test with just processing BBC1 HD and Sony Movies and the output MXF file looks fine. There is no category isMovie mentoned and all the expected categories are there.

    I have attached the XMLTV Categories.cfg that I used so make sure you don't have any other copies of this file on your system and put this in the install directory with the other category cfg files.

    It should say in the log when you use it that it has 35 categories and should list movies under the XMLTV categories used.

    The only way I can see you could have ended up with ismovie as a category in the WMC guide is if you had a malformed XMLTV Categories.cfg file.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-21

    I sort of gone back to 24 beta now as that works best.
    I retried with v25.
    I deleted all data from ehome directory and restored to a basic version before any guide data was added to test properly.
    I managed to get all categories to show, not using your category file as that resulted in just three categories, but did not include ismovies now.
    Anyhow, the movie categories was full and add more that shouldn't be there like game show and talk show etc?
    I would be ok with this as not too important to me, however, everytime media center was populated with more guide data, the cast and crew part was replicated.
    So there would be one tom cruise, then two, the three -god forbid! lol.
    Anyhow I cant figure all this out and 24 beta seems to be same as 25 except you don't have option to lookup for series and episode numbers or for titles, and that's it.?
    So unless you have any more ideas to help, looks like, I personally will need to stick with 24 beta in terms of media center.
    I will upload the xmltv categories file that seems to work best with v25 except for faults as above I mentioned.
    Thanks for your help by the way.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-21

    I could do with seeing the log and the TVGuide.mxf file from a run with fp25 when you have the time.

    Remember if you stick with fp24 I won't be able to do any other changes you may think of as I don't keep any code for old versions.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-22

    I forgot to include the output xml file produced by epgc called tvguide.xml
    I notice that when I checked afterwards, media center there is only comedy. family, general and romance under the catergories section..?

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-22

    I also noticed that a game show called 'family fortunes' with category show in the original file became a documentary/movie in the output mxf and xml.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-22

    Is there any chance you can send me your mcepgx-x.db file from the ehome directory?

    We are getting nowhere becaue the MXF file looks fine to me - lots of categories present and linked correctly to programmes and no duplicated cast.

    You will have to upload it somewhere as it's too big to post and post the link. I tend to use Microsoft OneDrive.

    And I'll need your clientID from the registry here.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Media Center/Services/EPG/ClientID

    Once I have your database I can easily check out anything you come up with in the future as well.

  • Mark

    Mark - 2020-05-22

    I will upload all files again as I have redone everything from scratch again.
    there has only been one pass to media center so there isn't yet duplicate actors showing, directors or writer duplicates showing.
    The db file I will send to you with a google drive link as I can message you off this thread by clicking your name in this thread.
    I would prefer to send the link that way for security.
    I have included client key file below with the uploads

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-22

    Thanks Marg I've got them. This should make it a lot easier to see what is going on.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-05-23

    There seems to be a problem with that database. I've downloaded it a couple of times to make sure but if I try to load WMC against it I get an error about the recording data and WMC creates a new, empty database.

    Can you upload it agaIn in case there was a problem with the upload. I've done this process many times with other users and never had any problems before using WMC on them.

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