

  • NutWifoutARench

    NutWifoutARench - 2006-10-25

    Okay, uh... this prolly isn't the right place to drop this info/question, but haven't stumbled across a to email yet, so gonna say this here and see what happens. 

    Runnin' winXP pro.  Downloaded 3b8 'everything' from here, as well as 3b72 elsewhere.  Couldn't get my alephone.exe to work in either of the two dirs that seemed logical to put it in with the 3b8 installation, but 3b72 (guess it was specially tailored for windows) works without alephone altogether.  Just wanted to be sure I'm not making a stupid mistake or not following thru with the 3b8 installation properly before I start mentioning bugs and glitches I'm running into with my 3b72. 

    Any ideas?

    • Don Merlin

      Don Merlin - 2006-11-03

      You should not be using 3b72.

      We are currently trying to get an installer for 3b8 for Windows, but until this, you need to follow this instructions:
      1. Download the 3b8 "everything" package.
      2. Download Visions.bin and Quest.bin from the "windows" package. Place into EMR folder, and rename to
      Visions and Quest.
      3. Download the latest AlephOne from the AlephOne site, and copy the following to the EMR folder:  AlephOne.exe, Themes, Fonts
      4. Delete files: ._docs, ._emrtextures, ._Scripts, ._Cavern, .DS_Store, Icon_
      5. Delete folder: EMR

      Let me know if you have any issues.

    • NutWifoutARench

      NutWifoutARench - 2006-11-04

      Following up...

      Downloaded *EVERYTHING* EMR 3b8 2006-08-17 as listed on under Latest File Releases. 
      Downloaded visions.bin and quest.bin as listed under File Releases; xwin-macbinary (platform independant). 
      Copied the two files into "EMR Game Folder" of the downloaded package. 
      Deleted the previously present versions of visions and quest (no suffix) before renaming the newly copied files to the same. 
      Copied AlephOne.exe, Themes (folder) and Fonts from alephone-20060701 folder into "EMR Game Folder"
      Deleted files ._docs, ._emrtextures, ._Scripts, ._Cavern, .DS_Store, and folder EMR 

      AlephOne.exe runs successfully (didn't even get that far before, woohoo!), but none of the terminals seem to be able to find the pics to go along with their text. 

      Made it through the multi-level holodeck intro, but in "Unplugged" afterwards, my favorite techie who I expected to see walk by sickbay was nowhere to be found.  Can't get into the room with the dachron without 'im, and someone is stuck in an overlapping repeat loop of "Where'd everybody go?" behind the door immediately to the right of said room.  Both the jurassic and the camelot holodeck visits seem bereft of their "white gates"-- their programs don't start; I don't get teleported to their respective periods, and the way to the captain's last message remains locked off. 

      Did I get the right versions of visions.bin and quest.bin?  Haven't downloaded either of the patches apparently available here, going to try that next and see what happens... There's also ._EMR file that wasn't mentioned but looks a lot like the others indicated for deletion that I'll experiment getting rid of. 

      ...thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!  btw.  Was just starting to wonder if I was hopeless. 

      • Don Merlin

        Don Merlin - 2006-11-04

        From the sounds of it, it sounds like the resource fork of your "Quest.bin" file is gone.  The term picts and the Lua code (which controls the holodecks and maint man in Merlin Unplugged) are both in the resource fork.

        Please download the older version of Quest.bin from here, and try that one instead (rename it to "Quest2", then go into Preferences and change the map file to point to it).  Let me know if Merlin Unplugged works better and if the term picts work.  If so, then the latest Quest.bin file may be corrupt.  If not, then the problem is elsewhere.

        • Don Merlin

          Don Merlin - 2006-11-04

          I see now that there is only one Quest.bin file up for download.  The link is  Did you download this?

    • NutWifoutARench

      NutWifoutARench - 2006-11-05

      Yup yup.  Looks like that's the quest.bin I downloaded and put into EMR Game Folder setting up per your instructions.  *ponders*  I'll try dl'ing it again in case the download itself corrupted it. 


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