
emma classpath issue with junit + ant

  • wm2013

    wm2013 - 2013-04-19


    I would like to ask what is the right away to pass the classpath to emma when you run emma via jvmarg.

    I run emma via jvmarg in the xml file for Ant-Junit . I noticed emma ignored the classpath that was defined by me in Junit, but strictly used ${env.CLASSPATH} which in turn caused NoClassFoundException, since a few test classes required some jar files in the defined classpath and those jars were not in ${env.CLASSPATH}.

    I have this Junit target:

    <junit fork="true" forkmode="once" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
        <classpath refid="${junit.classpath}" />
        <batchtest todir="${junit.toDir}">
            <fileset dir=…>
        <formatter type="xml" />

        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/a:${emma.jar}/emma.jar"/>
        <jvmarg value="emmarun"/>
        <jvmarg value="-out"/>
        <jvmarg value="${emma.out}"/>
        … (a few other jvmargs)

    Each test class did not get ${junit.classpath} as a classpath but got ${env.CLASSPATH}. Again, a few test classes threw NoClassFoundException since it needed jars in ${junit.classpath}.

    I also tried adding this line:
    <jvmarg value="-classpath"/>
    <jvmarg value="${junit.classpath"/>  (and also <jvmarg pathref="junit.classpath"/>)

    along with other jvmargs and the issue persisted.

    Lastly, when I 'hacked' env.CLASSPATH by adding this line to Junit:
    <env key="CLASSPATH" value="${env.CLASSPATH}:${junit.classpath}"/> without loading the ${junit.classpath} via <classpath refid="junit.classpath"/>, and also without <jvmarg value="-classpath….>, each test class got the jars in ${junit.classpath}. But, I wouldn't consider that's the right way to use emma.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  • wm2013

    wm2013 - 2013-04-19

    I had a chance to play around it a little bit more and I was able to resolve the issue by avoiding to use -Xbootclasspath, and providing the classpath as a part of jvmarg normally. That is,

    <jvmarg value="-cp" />
    <jvmarg value="${emma.jar}/emma.jar"/>
    <jvmarg value="emmarun"/>
    <jvmarg value="-out"/>
    <jvmarg value="${emma.out}"/>
    <jvmarg value="-cp" />
    <jvmarg pathref="junit.classpath"/>
    … (and a few more jvm args) …

    then, each test class got all the jars and directories in ${junit.classpath}. The first -cp was emma itself so that we were able to run emmarun, and the second -cp was rather a part of the command-line argument of EMMA that allowed us to pass the application's classpath.


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