


Welcome to the eHZy project. This project is a combination of open hardware schematics and open source software that enable you to collect readings from smart meters ("elektronische Haushaltszähler (eHZ)" in German, hence the name) using an inexpensive mobile device, process and store the readings and bulk-mail the corresponding owners about the current readings. To find out more about the basic idea and the intended use, please see the [Process Overview].

Using eHZy

If you want to use eHZy, you will have to
1. build the [Hardware],
2. collect the data and
3. use the Desktop [Software] to process it.

Hacking eHZy

If you want to get your hands dirty, you'll probably need the [Hardware] as well. Adapting the firmware is straightforward. If you want to work on the desktop software, there are some instructions on setting up a development environment available at [Development Setup].


Wiki: Hardware
Wiki: Process Overview
Wiki: Software