
#199 Accuracy slope/angle not fully working

Ulf Hixén

The higher or lower you are aiming, the less effect the
accuracy settings for the attack have.

1) Find two sectors with a large height difference.
2) Aim straight ahead and fire a weapon with multiple
shots, like a super shotgun.
3) aim 45 degrees up or down and fire again. Notice the
4) aim straight down against the lower sector, fire
again. Notice the difference.

A good place to try it out is at the start of map 29.
Take the ride down, kill the enemies, and look down
into the lava.

When you are aiming 90 degrees up or down, all shots
from the supershotgun hits the same spot.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    on a related note, enemies who are shooting at you with shot
    weapons cant aim below about 60 degrees, making you
    invincible if you stand above or below enemies and pick them
    off while they shoot the wall

  • Andrew Apted

    Andrew Apted - 2005-08-23

    Logged In: YES

    The aim and shoot code (lots of stuff actually) isn't
    truly 3D, based on the original Doom code which
    was 2D + hacks.

    The effect you describe happens because
    Edge doesn't add angles (45+10=55) but slopes
    (45 degrees = 1.0, 10 degrees = 0.176, combined
    slope 1.176 = 49 degrees). And of course you need
    an infinite slope to equal 90 degrees straight up
    (Edge actually limits it to 88 degrees).

    While ideally this should be fixed, it's a very low

  • Andrew Apted

    Andrew Apted - 2005-08-23
    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • status: open --> open-accepted

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