
EasyBSD / News: Recent posts

EasyBSD: 3.0 Released!

EasyBSD is a modular automation script designed to assist in the extensive post installation process that is required in FreeBSD. The following are modules that are included with EasyBSD, Checks, Update, Security, Networking, Firewall, and more...

The FBSD-DEV Team is happy to announce that after several hard working months of development EasyBSD 3.0 now released. There have been significant changes to EasyBSD to support the release of FreeBSD 7.0. Theses changes were not included in the earlier version of EasyBSD due to limited testing of FreeBSD 7.0. EasyBSD is not able to change versions of FreeBSD any longer, due to the changes in FreeBSD 7.0. EasyBSD is best used on a clean install with the version you want to use.... read more

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2008-07-12

EasyBSD 2.1.0 Released!

The EasyBSD Team is pleased to announce the release of EasyBSD 2.1. First and foremost, this release now allows for users to upgrade to FreeBSD 7.0. Along with the upgrade to FreeBSD 7.0, other notable features and improvements is the Firewall Module, PortSentry Module, FreeBSD 7.0 Upgrade module and last, but not least, our tracking system!

We added two more people to our team, and one of the older members has come back. Please join us in welcoming Travis also known as Heero, and Majic. Travis is a new developer on the EasyBSD and has brought a lot of help and expertise. Majic has been assisting Bricker in the new wiki section (which can be found on\) and will be assisting in documentation and FAQ writing. For details on the new modules, please visit our Bug tracker at and as always, Thank you for choosing EasyBSD and we hope you enjoy. Take care!

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2008-03-03

EasyBSD 2.0.0 Released!

There are several major changes to EasyBSD. First of which is the version scheme we are using. Now you are able to select the version of FreeBSD you want to update to; where as in the past EasyBSD only allowed upgrading to one version. With this option we hope to increase the number of users by removing this previous limitation. However due to several newer changes in FreeBSD 5.x and 6.x there have been complications in any downgrading functions, (i.e. moving from 6.2 to 5.4). So because of this, you can only upgrade to the latest versions of FreeBSD.... read more

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2008-02-13

EasyBSD-6.2-1.3-p1 Released!

There was a bug found in the firewall module that prevented it from loading. This problem has been fixed in this 1.3 patch. As development continues to growing number of large changes to the EasyBSD project it is becoming increasingly difficultly to account for possible errors. With your continued help, we can quickly fix problems and push new releases and patches. Thank you for your continued support.

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2007-10-13

EasyBSD-6.2-1.3 Released!

The development has been working on recoding the networking module to upgrade the Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality. After countless days and very long nights the dev team created the new and improved networking module. DHCPd is a new daemon that has been added to also help support NAT users. DHCPd is completely configured by EasyBSD based on the settings in the networking modules.... read more

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2007-10-06

EasyBSD-6.2-1.2 Released!

The Development team would like to announce that Bricker is back on the project, and is doing a lot of fixes to make your experience more clear. He will be going through and fixing grammar mistakes, typographical errors along with some other development. This release has a lot of those fixes, as well as a new section that will be starting, called our Special FAQ. The Special FAQ will help inexperienced users understand the options they are choosing, and help them understand what they need to choose in order to satisfy their needs. Expect Special FAQ to have a lot more with the next release, as this will be a semi-big project for EasyBSD to make all of our lives better. In addition, we will be adding support for FreeBSD 5.4; this was previously not supported due to users requiring special privileges, but we've worked around that. Also, we are looking into combining two modules, to reduce RUN and CONFIG time.

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2007-09-18

EasyBSD-6.2-1.1 Released!

The development team most of their time focusing on cleaning up the code a bit to finish the move away from INSTALL7, and not on adding new features and functions. The major addition to 6.2-1.1 is the addition of upgrade module. The reason for adding this module is for running any final update commands and primarily for running portupgrade. This command was taken out of a previous version of INSTALL7 due to a verbose option that wouldn’t support it. The development felt this was an unacceptable lost, and spent countless our researching how to add it back into our system. There have been other smaller tweaks and modifications that will help with a smoother runtime, and eliminate any possible issues.

Posted by FBSD-DEV 2007-09-08