
How to reassign the right-click mouse button

  • maindoor

    maindoor - 2014-05-01

    I'd like to use the right mouse button instead of the button on the scroll wheel to shift left or right, how can I do this ?

  • Oliver Hamann

    Oliver Hamann - 2014-05-01

    This is not provided, but you could modify the source code and recompile. Depending on your operating system you would have to edit src/emWnds/emWndsWindowPort.cpp (Windows) or src/emX11/emX11WindowPort.cpp (Linux,BSD,...) and exchange every occurence of EM_KEY_MIDDLE_BUTTON against EM_KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON and vice versa.

    Another hint: Did you realize the Option "Alt Key As Middle Button"? Originally, it is made for use on Notebooks which have no middle button. (Find it in the Control Panel: General -> Preferences -> Mouse Navigation -> Miscellaneous Mouse Settings)

  • maindoor

    maindoor - 2014-05-02

    recompiled. worked perfectly. Thanks.


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