

Welcome to the DxWnd project wiki!

DxWnd is a really smart and cute piece of programming initially developed and left on the net by an obscure Japanese programmer (guessing from the original DxWnd japanese interface...). The only reference to him/her is "sfb7s", but no matter what this means, he/she deserves most of the credit for creating DxWnd.

When I stumbled on the DxWnd program and source code, I was stunned and admired, so I decided to publish this project that apparently no-one is claiming for himself by initially translating the original GUI interface from Japanese to english, making the project compilable on a more updated environment (not really the latest one, just MS VisualStudio 2005) and trying to improve the project as far as possible.

The aim of this project was to make Microsoft DirectX fullscreen programs (e.g. videogames!) able to run in a windowed mode, and I don't give a damn if this is an useful feature or not, 'cause it's a hell of a programming excercize, and I love it!

While trying to improve the DxWnd features and compatibility, I met a lot of new problems and ideas, so currently DxWnd is kind of an open lab for game improvement features, that keeps growing mainly thank's to the contribution of many of you that posted new requests, problems and ideas. Extra features are, for instance, more compatibility options, program auto patching, time stretching and many others that sometimes give you a chance to run old programs not supported any more.

Anyone with the same passion and some good knowledge of windows GDI, OpenGL and DirecX programming is encouraged to join this project: there're tons of things that still don't work smoothly, could and should be improved and will donate much fun.

Please, follow all the news, requests and updates on the DxWnd discussion forum at https://sourceforge.net/p/dxwnd/discussion
