
[Patch included] Add "The Settlers 4" support

  • Adrian Kalla

    Adrian Kalla - 2015-10-18

    The Settlers 4 game does normally don't work on modern NVIDIA hardware (2006 and newer (starting from GeForce 8xxx)) or under VirtualBox at all - but with DxWnd I did manage to run the game with both :)

    The minimum two settings that need to be set for the game to start are:
    -"Forces HEL"
    -"switch VIDEO to SYSTEM on fail"

    I did call this profile "Settlers 4, the, with NVIDIA or VirtualBox", as at least with AMD/ATI graphics cards and with VmWare this settings are not needed and the game can run there with normal hardware acceleration (not sure about INTEL, though, but I think it also works there without this settings).

    Could this be please included in the next release? Thanks :)


    Last edit: Adrian Kalla 2015-10-18
  • gho

    gho - 2015-10-18

    Sure, thanks!

  • Vincent Sylvester

    I have an original CD version of this game. Trying to get it to work I don't get any of the common errors, it just flashes black and that's it. I tried a few common tweaks I know, but so far I got nothing still.

    • dippy dipper

      dippy dipper - 2023-01-04

      According to pcgamingwiki Settlers IV uses SafeDisc copy protection which is disabled on Windows 7 and 8 and more permanently removed from Windows 10. To run the game in this case you either need a nocd hack to bypass the copy protection or if you are running on Win7 or 8 you can re-enable SafeDisc support.

      Looking at the log it appears that your OS version is 6.2 (Windows 8).

      So the official Microsoft information on re-enabling SafeDisc support can be found here:

      To summarize you need to make a registry edit. When I used to run Win7 and 8 I used the following values:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      Saved using notepad as "SafeDiscEnable.reg". Then run the reg file and it should update the Windows registry. After that a reboot is needed and SafeDisc games should again work. At least from real CD-ROM discs not sure if it works with cdimages and virtual drives.

      And then to disable the SafeDisc support you can use the same process with the following registy values:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      Last edit: dippy dipper 2023-01-04
      • Vincent Sylvester

        Interesting, it's a Win10 install. The registry key still exists and is set to 2, so that's strange. It's a fresh install so no upgrade from previous either. I'll try the nocd method though, because I am not getting anything from the cd drive at the moment, so whatever is going on it's not loading that regardless.

        • dippy dipper

          dippy dipper - 2023-01-04

          OK, maybe I read the log file wrong but I did see a reference to OS=(6.2) which should be Windows 8. Anyway if you are running under Windows 10 then the registry change does nothing. Your best bet would then be to find a nocd hack which has its risks or just buy a digital version of the game from GOG.

  • dippy dipper

    dippy dipper - 2023-01-04

    Offtopic for gho:
    What does dxwnd use to get the Windows version number for log files? For example GetVersionEx is deprecated and reports 6.2 (Windows 8) now for Windows 10.

    Created a new topic.


    Last edit: dippy dipper 2023-01-05
  • Vincent Sylvester

    Uh oh, after applying the 1516 patch then the 1516a patch, grabbing the files from the Disk 2 it finally decided to run. Not sure if any of the settings really have an effect and I still have to fix the resolution, but it... every few times... does start and run.

    Adding the profile here for reference.


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