
Severance - Blade of Darkness

  • Adolfo

    Adolfo - 2016-04-09

    Salve, riesumato questo altro piccolo capolavoro, lanciato su W7 da il seguente errore: Mem_Resize_Failed...
    altro non so...

  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-09

    What a beauty! It seems another context (hd3d7.cpp for IDirect3D interfaces) where, since Win7 and above, method function pointers have to be kept separate. I'll have to make the same "cure" I made to ddraw interface. It's a hell of a boring job, but should bring good results.
    The reason for the memory error is because, sharing wrong pointers, a call become recursive so it's enlessly calling itself until the game crashes.
    I translate this answer because I think it's of general interest. Likely the same problem may occur on D3D1 up to D3D7 games in Win7 and more recent os.

    Thanks to Adolfo for signalling this problem.

  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-09

    Well, after a few (maybe unnecessary) fixes, DxWnd got the status of "PERFECT EMULATION": in effect, the game crashes with DxWnd exactly in the same way it doeas without it!
    I thought maybe it was necessary to fix it with some patches, but I got comments and instructions not very encouraging, like this one (sorry, it's in italian): .
    Looking at the logs, though, the game seems to do strange things, like looping in querying and setting a IDirectDraw7 interface plus its palette: doing that once should be more than enough.
    In any case, I'll try again, but it would be a precious help if anyone can point me towards a Win7/Win10 patch that could make it running.
    P.s. If the game has an unsupported game copy protection, it could be helpful also a reliable crack.

  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-11

    Call for help:
    Could anyone suggest a way to make this game running natively (unwindowed) on Win7 / Win10?
    It seems to me that hte game has very interesting features (it uses D3D7 interface, apparently in an "original" way, wouldn't D3D7 be original enough by itself...).


    Last edit: gho 2016-04-11
  • Adolfo

    Adolfo - 2016-04-11

    provata una patch x utilizzare nglide e non le odiose d3d7 ma non sono riuscito comunque a lanciare il gioco che mi da sempre l'errore della memoria indicato prima...
    nel dubbio che sia x mia incapacità allego il file
    ...fatemi sapere...

  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-11

    From the net: the game uses SecuRom 2 (NEW) copy protection schema.
    That requires secdrv.sys driver that was disabled for security reasons on Win7/8/8.1 (could e reenabled, ut it's not advisable) and definitively supressed on Win10.
    According to the site, two options are possible: digital download or apply a crack.
    To be noted that the game was on GOG catalog, supported for Win releases up to 8.1 (what a coincidence!), and then was removed from the catalog, so it's not possible to purchase it. Maybe that allow us to classify it as abandonware?
    So, it seems there remains one single viable choice...


    Last edit: gho 2016-04-11
  • Adolfo

    Adolfo - 2016-04-11

    quale? arrendersi?!?

    • gho

      gho - 2016-04-11

      >> two options are possible: digital download or apply a crack.

      Cribbio, se ne escludi una (game removed from digital downlod catalog), quale pensi che sia l'altra?


      Last edit: gho 2016-04-11
  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-11

    Applying a crack to the game the behaviour changes: no more resource consuming loop, but a sudden crash after the intro movie. This happens with & without DxWnd, and with different picks of renderer (I tried d3d, and OpenGL), so that let me think this should not depend on graphics.
    Maybe it's not a good crack: there's not a wide choice around: I only found a v1.0 crack, a securom_ripper (but I doubt it may work on securon new, I left it alone....) and a v1.1 german crack that appears to be not a valid application. I wonder how GOG managed the problem. Mumble mumble .....

  • Adolfo

    Adolfo - 2016-04-11

    hai provato la patch linkata da me? pare che riesca ad utilizzare le nglide x evitare le d3d7, io non ho avuto un buon esito...

    • gho

      gho - 2016-04-11

      Idem. Però credo di aver risolto diversamente. Ora è tardi, domani faccio qualche prova e ti dico.

  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-12

    As I said, it's a real pity that GOG retired this game from its virtual shelf, because they made a really good job of adaptation: the game should run on Win10 as well.
    And with some DxWnd patches, it should run fairly well also with DxWnd in windowed mode (though some game renderers support a native window mode) plus the other DxWnd tricks (bullet time? It could be useful...).
    Let's just hope that the decision could be revoked soon and the game be sold again.


    Last edit: gho 2016-04-12
  • Adolfo

    Adolfo - 2016-04-12

    ma come ci sei riuscito?!?

    • gho

      gho - 2016-04-12

      Dovresti avere un messaggio in casella privata ...... (magari anche due, nello spam?)


      Last edit: gho 2016-04-12
  • gho

    gho - 2016-04-13

    One thing I forgot to tell: the screenshots are taken using DxWnd and the D3D game rendering engine, because the OpenGL one (definitely better in native mode) still has some troubles in getting windowed (more work to do...). But the D3D mode shows the intro only when setting the "reduced capability" flag, so I wanted to thank cloudstr for the support and let him know that all his work of running games and dumping logs on VirtualPC already found some useful application!
    Cheers :)


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