
#656 Call Last Menu Always Calls Menu 1


I have a titleset that has 4 menus, all of which have buttons. The buttons are assigned to titles that have chapters. When I set the Command on the title to "call last menu;" on the chapters area, as well as leaving it set on the Post Commands Properties of the title, "call last menu;" always calls Menu 1. This happens on the items on Menu 2, Menu 3, and Menu 4. All items with "call last menu;" call Menu 1.


  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2017-02-13

    This is because the call last menu; actually translate into call menu entry root;,ie your menu 1.

    If you look at the drop-down menu you'll also see call menu;. This translate into call menu entry chapter (in case you don't have a menu with entry chapter a dummy is created which merely re-direct to the root menu).

    If you define entries for your menu like "subtitle" you'll see the drop-down menu is expanded to include these menus. (Attached)

    To have the commands work as you want you have two choises:

    1) Define the entry for the menues and they'll appear in the drop-down menu.
    2) Use a general register to hold the value of the menu you want to return to and use a if - else in the pre-command for your root menu to test which menu to invoke.


  • Scott

    Scott - 2017-02-14

    Sorry, "call last menu" just gave me the impression that it would call the last menu that was used, as in the menu that the title were called from. Maybe it should be worded "call root menu" instead.

    Thanks for explaining this.


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