
#93 Incompatible with sox 14.4.0?

audio (15)

I'm using version 0.8.4.

This program used to work fine for me, until three days ago, when I upgraded to sox 14.4.0.

Here's the printout on the terminal when I process a very simple 1 image, 1 audio file, e.g.:

Death.txt is simply:


The command line is:

dvd-slideshow -flv -w -s 1280x720 "Death.txt"

[some stuff before this]
[dvd-slideshow] Running initial error check...
[dvd-slideshow] aaaaaaaaaasoxi FAIL formats: can't open input file `-D': No such file or directory
(standard_in) 2: parse error
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: '
(standard_in) 2: parse error
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 2: parse error
(standard_in) 2: illegal character: '
(standard_in) 3: parse error
(standard_in) 3: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: R
(standard_in) 4: parse error
(standard_in) 4: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 5: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 5: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 5: parse error
(standard_in) 6: parse error
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 6: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 6: parse error
(standard_in) 7: parse error
(standard_in) 7: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 7: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 7: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 8: parse error
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: R
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 8: illegal character: M
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 9: parse error
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: :
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: S
(standard_in) 9: parse error
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: I
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: P
(standard_in) 9: illegal character: M
[dvd-slideshow] ERROR line 2. You must have an audio track before a slide specifying 'audio'

I'll attach the resulting log as well, but it's less informative. I got more or less the same results using any other audio file.

The problem seemed to be line 2523 of the script. If I change it from:

soxi "$1" -D 1> "$tmpdir"/trash.txt


soxi -D "$1" 1> "$tmpdir"/trash.txt

Then I do get an output video, though I notice that sox throws warnings like:

sox WARN sox: Option `-2' is deprecated, use `-b 16' instead.
sox WARN sox: Option `-s' is deprecated, use `-e signed-integer' instead.

...during the process, which suggests that the scripts need to be updated to be compatible with the newest version of sox.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-20
    • summary: Incompatibe with sox 14.4.0? --> Incompatible with sox 14.4.0?
  • MeltingWax

    MeltingWax - 2014-01-11

    This issue is affecting me as well. On gentoo, for which there is no previous version of sox available.

  • Zurd

    Zurd - 2014-06-14

    Affecting me too with 0.8.4-1. Seems like something easy to fix.

  • Vladimir Antonov

    Also experiencing this problem on Fedora 21 with dvd-slideshow 0.8.0-8 and sox 14.4.1-6
    Works fine with sox 12.18.2 and -mp2 (ac3 fails).
    Looks like that some sox options should be changed.


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