
Missing media files

  • Noud van Klinken


    First I really like to express my big thanks for this CSP platform, since it is of big help in the development of my project. So: Big thanks!

    Going through './sim/libm/set_params_for_case.m', it struck me that references are made to media files which are not part of the csp package. For example, at case: 'VV400-RV-MLP1':

    DVBT2.SIM.GROUP(1).INPUT_STREAMS_DEFINITION.INPUT_TS = '/media/windows/home/project/DVB-T2/ts/MPLP/VV400.ts';

    Now my questions are:
    - Am I able to substitute 'any' mpeg2-ts for these files, or are there extra constraints or specific properties on them/in them?
    - How are the VVxxx comparison tests able to succeed, when the input is not clearly the same? (One would need the exact same files then?)

    Best regards
    Noud van Klinken

  • Oliver Haffenden


    It took some time to remember what this was all about, but I think I can explain. The VV400 cases have a slightly involved history. Originally we defined a set of multiple PLP cases which we used both for V&V purposes and to generate test streams containing real video for testing real receivers. However, the "V&V" cases soon diverged from the corresponding "Real Video" cases; for example the FEF interval in the real-video version of VV403 was much longer, and in any case, because the input was different they were not really the same test-case at all. Eventually we decided to separate out the two versions, by adding 50 to the V&V case number. Hence VV450 is the "V&V" version of VV400.

    The processing required to take one big transport stream and map it to a group of PLPs is quite involved and is not implemented in the CSP; the CSP therefore cannot generate the "real video" cases on its own even if the input TS files were available. We generated the real video versions using a separate piece of software implementing the "T2 Gateway" function, and fed the resulting T2-MI into the CSP to generate an IQ file.

    So why does the CSP have the INPUT_TS parameter that you identified? Well, in order to avoid mistakes, we have a MATLAB script that generates an XML configuration file for the T2 Gateway based on the parameters in the DVBT2 structure as set by set_VV_test_case_parameters. The INPUT_TS field is only there in order to provide this information to this script. The CSP itself does not use this parameter.

    The T2 Gateway software is not open-source, however, and the input TS files are not publicly available either. The real-video IQ files are part of the UK DTG testing suite and are only available to DTG members.

    I hope this helps!


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