
DropIt / News: Recent posts

DropIt v8.5

This is a release with a major new feature and some fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved folder monitoring to support both "Time interval" and "Immediate on-change" modes
- added support to SVG images in Create Gallery action
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2017-11-12

DropIt v8.4

This is a release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- added "Print" action (using default system applications based on file formats)
- added %Pages% abbreviation to read the number of pages of a document
- added %YearWeekCreated%, %YearWeekModified%, %YearWeekOpened%, %YearWeekTaken% abbreviations
- added option to configure FirstFileContentDate abbreviations for different languages (read 5.6 of the Guide)
- updated the internal tool to manage archives (7z v16.04)
- fixed ++ and -- modifiers to work properly with all Unicode characters
- fixed some abbreviations that use Windows Explorer information to work on Windows Vista/8.1/10
- fixed support to use pipe symbol in regular expressions in Additional Filters
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2017-07-23

DropIt v8.3

This is a release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved performance reading file contents
- added %FirstFileContentDate% and %FirstFileContentDateNormalized% abbreviations to get the first date in file content (normalized as YYYYMMDD)
- added %FileContentMatch1% to %FileContentMatch9% abbreviations to use text from file content in destinations
- added %Keywords% abbreviation to get supported file keywords
- added 7ZIP as new standard algorithm for Encrypt and Decrypt actions
- added Additional Filter of file content to a full powered regular expression filter (and removed regular expression support in Literal string filter)
- added "regex(p1,r1)" abbreviation modifier to replace all occurrences of the regex pattern p1 with regex replacement pattern r1 (matched groups are referenced by \1-\9)
- fixed limit of compression password length
- fixed support to use image abbreviations for TIF and CR2 images
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2017-04-22

DropIt v8.2

This is a release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- added abbreviation modifiers to encode / decode with Base64 (ANSI and UTF-8)
- added option to choose if do or not a first scan of monitored folders at startup (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added option to choose the mode to manually rename duplicates (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- restored cryptography modifiers
- fixed issue removing source of encrypted folders
- fixed Unicode support for associations (UTF16 Little Endian)
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2016-05-28

DropIt v8.1.2

This is a minor release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- added %DropItDir% abbreviation
- added option to automatically fix Open With destination (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- fixed issue of absolute links in HTML lists
- fixed issue of option to ignore folders if in use by another program
- fixed some abbreviation modifiers
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2015-08-30

DropIt v8.1.1

This is a minor release with some fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- fixed Delete action and other features that remove files
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2015-08-30

DropIt v8.1

This is a release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved drag&drop support to work also on Windows 8.1
- added support to do not ignore attributes of processed files (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to enable/disable alert to complete mail messages (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- fixed support to use abbreviations for Upload action
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2015-05-31

DropIt v8.0

This is a major release with several improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved "Extract" action to extract in destination folder (correctly managing duplicates)
- improved support to multiple monitors
- added "k(s1)" and "k-(s1)" abbreviation modifiers
- added "d>d1" and "d<d1" abbreviation="" modifiers="" (instead="" of="" "c="">d1" and "c<d1" that are deprecated)
- added "ProductName" and "Rating" abbreviations
- added "Split" and "Join" actions
- added profile name to the Processing window
- added support to "Export all" and "Import all" profiles from Customize Profiles context menu
- added support to auto-hide target image on the nearest side (auto-detected)
- added support to define the visible pixels of the target image when hidden (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to enable/disable "Ctrl" and "Alt" hotkeys during process (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to enable/disable profile switching with mouse scroll wheel
- added support to force sending one file per mail (setting "0" as "Attachment size limit")
- updated the internal tool to manage SFTP connections (PSFTP v0.63)
- fixed "Open With" action if "Ignore files if in use by other programs" is enabled
- fixed automatic correction of invalid characters in abbreviations
- fixed issue with standby/hibernation when DropIt is minimized
- fixed support to compress in "Store" level
- fixed some minor bugs</d1">

Posted by Lupo73 2014-10-04

DropIt v7.0

This is a major release with several improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved "Associations" and "Profiles" windows (position is saved)
- improved "Compress" action to rename compressed files if they are duplicates in the archive
- improved "Progress" window (position, size and columns are saved)
- improved "Select Action" window (associations are in alphabetical order)
- improved filters by file content (now with 6 alternatives)
- improved option to skip files if in use (e.g. during download)
- improved PDF files generated with "Create List" action
- improved support to gradually hide target image
- improved support to move files with "Rename" action
- added "??" and "? ?" modifiers to alternate upper and lower characters
- added "a>(s1,d1)" and "a<(s1,d1)" modifiers to insert a string in a defined position
- added "lz(d1)" modifier to fill strings with leading zeros
- added creation of profile examples at the first DropIt run (new installations only)
- added option to create the automatic backup every 3 days (enabled by default)
- added some "Paths" and "Images" abbreviations
- added some profile examples (available from right-click context menu of "Customize Profiles")
- added some rule examples for common file formats (Documents, Music, Videos...)
- added support to alert with a sound when the "Select Action" window appears (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to create archives with any extension (regardless of the compression format)
- added support to define the name of DropIt SendTo links (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to define the speed to gradually hide target image (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to define the time before gradually hide target image (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to enable/disable associations with Ctrl + click (in "Manage Associations" window)
- added support to press "Alt" key while folders are dropped on to remove them as Monitored Folders
- added support to run a command line at the end of the process (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- added support to use profile icons in SendTo menu (read 4.4 of the Guide)
- removed More/Less button from "Progress" window (total freedom of window resizing)
- removed option to "Show list of loaded files by default" (no longer needed)
- fixed %Counter% abbreviation within "Rename" action
- fixed automatic language detection at the first DropIt run
- fixed button to open files/folders from %UserInput% window
- fixed support to multiple monitors
- fixed support to skip files/folders if %UserInput% value is not defined
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2014-04-04

DropIt v6.1

This is a release with some improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved interface and performance
- improved "Define Abbreviation Value" window
- improved "File Already Exists" window
- improved "Select Action" window
- interrupted 64bit version (32bit version works on all systems)
- added option to "Auto-hide target image on the left of the screen"
- added option to "Ignore files if their size is changed after loading"
- added support to filter by file content for PDF format
- added support to press "Ctrl" key while folders are dropped on to add them as Monitored Folders
- added support to Upload using FTP Passive Mode
- added support to use abbreviations in Rules
- fixed issue of automatic update under 64bit systems
- fixed issue of disappearing target image after standby/suspension
- fixed issue reading lowercase abbreviations
- fixed issue using %SubDir% abbreviation when the option to decide if scan subfolders is disabled
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2014-02-10

DropIt v6.0

This is a major release with improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved interface
- improved performance
- integrated "Compress" and "Create List" options in associations (removed globally)
- integrated "Consider rules as Regular Expressions" option in associations (removed globally)
- integrated "Pause until opened file is closed" option in associations (removed globally)
- added "Remove source after processing it" option in associations for some actions
- added option to "Always scan subfolders" or try to process them (e.g. to remove empty subfolders)
- added support to define a path in Rename field to move renamed files/folders
- added support to set associations as Favourites that have priority in case of multiple matches
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-12-24

DropIt v6.0 beta

This is a beta version of the next major release. It includes several improvements that need to be tested: compression settings included in associations, create list settings included in associations, support to process subfolders as items, support to define favourite associations with priority and more. Please, test it and report your feedback. Thanks.

Posted by Lupo73 2013-12-15

DropIt v5.3.4

This is a minor release to update languages and fix minor problems:
- updated some language files
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-12-09

DropIt v5.3.3

This is a minor release to fix some more issues:
- fixed problem loading files from subfolders
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-11-20

DropIt v5.3.2

This is a minor release to restore support to Copy/Move actions under Windows 8 64bit. It includes some other improvements and fixes:
- improved some error messages to automatically close after 10 seconds
- added %FileVersion% abbreviation
- fixed Copy/Move actions under Windows 8 64bit
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-11-04

DropIt v5.3.1

This is a minor release to restore the support to Windows 8 64bit. It includes some other improvements and fixes:
- improved some interface aspects
- added support to resize Process window
- added support to select more files together in Process window
- fixed support to run under Windows 8 64bit
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-10-03

DropIt v5.3

This is a release with several improvements and fixes:
- improved minor interface aspects
- added "Create Gallery" action (thanks to tpr)
- added option to decide if show the message of failed process
- added some Image abbreviations
- fixed "Rename" action issue with some folders
- fixed "Upload" action issue with some servers
- fixed interface freezing when process fails with monitored folders
- fixed issue in RegEx support
- fixed support to filter by file content for DOCX format
- fixed support to Import profiles from CSV and XLS formats
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-09-07

DropIt v5.2

This is a major release with improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved "Create List" action
- improved minor interface aspects
- improved Safely Erase method of "Delete" action
- improved support to manage custom abbreviations (add, edit, remove)
- improved the installer and unified 32/64-bit builds (thanks to loin2kolpotoru)
- added "Encrypt" and "Decrypt" actions
- added profile option to "Start the process after loading"
- added several abbreviations (dates, files and others)
- added some pre-configured email servers
- added support to "Remove source after processing it" for some actions
- added support to abbreviations for "Create List" parameters
- added support to file-independent abbreviations for monitored folders
- added support to send several files per mail (defining a size limit)
- fixed support to Import profiles from old versions (5.0 and older)
- fixed several minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-06-02

DropIt v5.1

This is a major release with some improvements and several fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved interface and context menu
- improved method to store associations (now only association names have to be unique)
- improved progress bar with Create List action
- improved upgrade performance
- added hyperlinks to the PDF Guide
- added link to download more target images in Customize Profiles window
- added option to decide the order to process file groups
- added support to filter files in a size/date range (Additional Filters)
- added support to filter folders by file content of included files (Additional Filters)
- added support to filter folders by included files/folders (Additional Filters)
- fixed "always on top" option
- fixed bug creating encrypted archives
- fixed bug with SendTo and multiple instances features
- fixed bug with some commandline features
- fixed date format in lists (to fix sorting in HTML files)
- fixed several minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-05-01

DropIt v5.0

This is a major release with important improvements, features and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- now relative paths in destination are always relative to each loaded file
- improved "Compress" action to merge items added to existent archives
- improved main context menu and Options window
- improved performance of various actions
- improved process loading all dropped files at the beginning
- improved support to "Import" profiles (from Customize context menu)
- added %Counter% abbreviation (to add file enumeration)
- added %UserInput% abbreviation (to type a custom input during process)
- added "Duplicate" button in associations context menu
- added context menu to the list of loaded items to get "Info" and to "Skip" them
- added highlight of filtered text in html lists (thanks to tpr)
- added list of loaded items in Processing window
- added option to close progress window when process is complete
- added option to process folders as files (instead of scan them if not associated)
- added option to show progress window for monitored folders (disabled by default)
- added option to start the process after loading
- added profile option to decide if integrate it in SendTo menu
- added some Info and Media abbreviations
- added some target images
- added support to create PDF and XLS lists
- added support to define a minimum size to scan only bigger monitored folders
- added support to "Export" profiles (from Customize context menu)
- added support to use a different html theme for each "Create List" association
- added support to use file and folder associations together (folders are scanned if not associated)
- removed "Check moved/copied files integrity" option (not needed anymore)
- removed "Enable associations for folders" option (not needed anymore)
- fixed crash if "Select Action" window is shown for a file loaded from SendTo menu
- fixed minor bugs in "Extract" and "Upload" actions
- fixed several minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-03-17

DropIt version 5.0 beta

The next major update of DropIt is under development and will includes substantial improvements!
A renewed processing system and several new features will characterize this new release. You can download the beta version from the following link, to test it and report your feedback:

Posted by Lupo73 2013-03-09

Release 4.7

This is a major release with important improvements, new features and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved "Copy to Clipboard" to use abbreviations for destination
- improved list of Rule Examples for associations
- improved Sorting window and related messages
- added "CommandLine" list theme
- added "MonthName" and "MonthShort" abbreviations
- added "Send by Mail" action
- added filters based on file content
- added filters based on file properties
- added option to play sound when process is complete
- added support to create an association to use if no other associations match
- added support to pause/resume the process
- fixed Current abbreviations
- fixed date and time local dependency in "Change Properties" action
- fixed date and time taken abbreviations
- fixed focus problems during monitoring and sorting
- fixed folder destination support for "Compress" action
- fixed playlist creation
- fixed song abbreviations on Windows 8 systems
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2013-02-17

New version 4.7 is near!

The new version is almost complete and will include several great improvements.
Now I need your help to update language translations, you can find language changes and the English translation here:

You can contact me here to send the translation:

Posted by Lupo73 2013-02-07

Next version development

The next version is under development, you can try a pre-release and report your opinions here:

Posted by Lupo73 2013-01-22

Release 4.6

This is an update with some improvements, new features and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- included Absolute Link in lists by default
- added abbreviation modifiers (read the Guide)
- added extraction without subfolder creation (only with enabled Manage Duplicates)
- added several abbreviations
- added support to CRC Hash and MD4 Hash
- added support to exclusion rules with / character (read the Guide)
- reorganized abbreviations
- replaced "FileAuthor" with "Authors" abbreviation
- fixed date and time taken abbreviations
- fixed Sorting window popup at folder monitoring
- fixed support to 64bit version automatic update
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2012-10-11