
DropIt / News: Recent posts

New official blog

The new blog is available and includes several tips and tricks to use DropIt:
And more articles will be added soon. Let we know your opinions about it!

Posted by Lupo73 2012-07-15

Release 4.5

This is a major release with important improvements, new features and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved abbreviation system
- improved interface
- improved performance
- added "Change Properties" action (date, time and attributes)
- added "Upload" action (FTP and SFTP protocols)
- added message during uninstalling to decide if remove settings
- added profile option to manage duplicates
- added several abbreviations
- added support to create custom abbreviations
- added support to drag&drop files/folders on destination field
- fixed %DateTaken% abbreviation
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2012-06-26

Follow on Facebook!

The next major release is coming and we decided to create also the official Facebook page of DropIt:

Posted by Lupo73 2012-06-18

Release 4.0.1

This minor release is recommended instead of the previous one and includes some important bug fixes introduced in version 4.0, in particular:
- fixed manage duplicates
- fixed profile custom options
- fixed support to import old settings
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2012-02-22

Release 4.0

This is a major release with important improvements, new features and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved actions
- improved interface
- improved log report
- improved performance
- improved profile examples
- improved software icon
- added Create Playlist, Create Shortcut, Copy to Clipboard actions
- added option to select ambiguities checkbox by default
- added %ParentDirName% environment variable
- added support to /Close, /Refresh, /Restart commands
- added support to compress several files in a unique archive
- added support to consider rules as Regular Expressions (RegExp)
- added support to import profiles from CSV, XLS and XLSX files
- added support to "Overwrite if different size"
- added support to separate rules also with "|" character
- removed special actions (integrated as normal actions)
- removed support to automatically convert to relative paths
- fixed Safely Erase mode of Delete action
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2012-02-21

Release 3.9

This is a release with important improvements and fixes. This is the complete list of changes:
- improved automatic update (manually update this version to start with the new method)
- improved interface (thanks to Leif)
- improved support to HTML themes (thanks to tpr)
- improved support to manage duplicates
- added checkboxes for monitored folders
- added lightbox preview to open images of HTML lists
- added some internal environment variables
- added support to duplicate profiles
- added support to special actions as Command-Line parameters (using "/Key")
- removed Alt + FirstButtonCharacter support (due to compatibility problems)
- removed Context Menu integration (due to compatibility problems)
- fixed internal context menu issue with Windows Classic theme
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-12-29

Release 3.8

This is a major release with several improvements, support to html list themes and shared folders. This is the list of changes:
- improved interface
- improved performance
- improved source code (thanks to guinness)
- improved support to copy associations between profiles (with "Copy to")
- changed hotkeys of special actions from Ctrl+Key to Alt+Key
- added more HTML list themes and support to select them (thanks to tpr)
- added support to apply an action to all ambiguities of a drop
- added support to Context Menu integration
- added support to duplicate associations in a profile (with "Copy to")
- added support to include filter in HTML lists (disabled by default)
- added support to include header in TXT and CSV lists (enabled by default)
- added support to shared folders with UNC paths (thanks to Michael)
- removed system integrations during installation (available from Options)
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-11-23

Release 3.7

This is a minor release with performance improvements, Guide replacement, support to playlist creation and various fixes. This is the list of changes:
- renamed "pattern" in "association"
- replaced outdated "Help.chm" file with new "Guide.pdf" file
- added %Documents% environment variable
- added support to create playlists of dropped files in a selected folder (hold Ctrl+L at drop)
- added two list properties (Absolute Link and Relative Link)
- fixed memory leak during scroll of profiles
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-09-24

Release 3.6

This is a major release with performance improvements, extended Unicode support and several minor improvements and fixes. This is the list of changes:
- improved interface
- improved performance
- improved Sorting window
- improved support to Unicode for patterns
- added alert for Delete actions
- added auto-detection of OS language
- added %Desktop% environment variable
- added support to copy dropped files to a selected folder (hold Ctrl+C at drop)
- added support to copy paths of dropped files to Clipboard (hold Ctrl+P at drop)
- added support to create shortcuts of dropped files in a selected folder (hold Ctrl+S at drop)
- added support to move dropped files to a selected folder (hold Ctrl+X at drop)
- added support to sort HTML lists clicking column headers (disabled by default)
- added support to switch profiles with mouse scroll wheel
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-09-04

Release 3.5

This is a major release with few but important improvements. This is the list of changes:
- improved interface
- improved Log feature
- improved source code
- added support to decide if scan or not subfolders
- added support to edit monitored folders with double-click
- added support to List action (HTML, TXT, CSV, XML)
- added support to start DropIt minimized
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-07-30

Release 3.2

This is a major release with interface updates and some useful improvements. This is the list of changes:
- improved interface
- improved Internal Environment Variables window
- improved performance
- changed from Exclude to Ignore action name
- added hotkeys for Folders Monitoring listview
- added support to check for updates at DropIt startup
- added support to decrypt archives writing the password
- added support to separated Profile Options
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-07-10

Release 3.1

This is a minor release with some internal improvements and fixes. This is the list of changes:
- added %FileSubDir% environment variable
- added support to do same operation on all duplicates of a drop
- added support to Enable/Disable patterns
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-07-10

Release 3.0

This is a major release with an updated interface and several improvements. This is the list of changes:
- improved software interface
- improved software performance
- improved software source code
- improved support to Delete action in 3 modes
- added several internal environment variables
- added support to additional filters (based on size and date)
- added support to full paths as rules
- added support to Rename action
- added support to schedule folder scanning
- added support to wait closing of opened files
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-06-27

Release 2.6

This is a minor release with some interesting improvements and new features. This is the list of changes:
- improved software interface
- improved software source code
- added support to convert destination folder to relative path
- added support to move/copy patterns between profiles
- integrated profile examples in Profiles context menu
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-05-30

Release 2.5

This is a major release with an updated interface and other minor improvements. This is the list of changes:
- improved message shown in case of duplicates
- improved software interface
- improved software performance
- added %DefaultProgram% environment variable (only for Open With)
- added %ParentDir% environment variable (relative to each file)
- added Destination column in Manage Patterns window
- added icons to GUI menu and Tray menu
- added resize support for Patterns and Profiles windows
- added some profile examples (Archiver, Eraser, Extractor)
- fixed progress bar during compression/extraction
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-05-14

Release 2.0

This is a major release with important improvements, like an improved interface and new actions to process your files. This is the list of changes:
- improved automatic update feature
- improved Move action performance
- improved Pattern Ambiguity window now named Select Action
- improved software interface
- added Extract and Delete actions
- added master password for Profiles folder encryption
- added several environment variables (read the Help)
- added support to disable alert for large processed files
- updated code to work with current 7 actions
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-03-28

Release 1.6

This release includes some useful changes like a new action to open files and folders with defined programs and several other improvements:
- added action to open files and folders with defined programs
- added profile icons to context menu items
- added support to create duplicate associations with the same pattern
- added support to encrypt Profiles folder
- added support to move read-only files
- added support to wildcard characters in command line
- removed support to encrypt single closed profiles
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-02-26

Release 1.5

This is a major release with several improvements, like the integration of move/copy selection in each pattern and an improved interface. This is the list of changes:
- improved software interface
- improved software Options
- included some additional target images
- integrated move/copy choose in each pattern
- added feature that remember columns width
- added option to start DropIt on system startup
- added option to use profile icon in traybar menu
- added support to change profile in Manage Patterns window
- updated Help file
- removed Guide file
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-01-23

Release 1.2

This release includes some interesting changes like an optional Sorting window during process and an improved sorting core to avoid freezing. This is a list of changes:
- improved software performance
- improved sorting process to avoid GUI freezing
- added feature to encrypt closed profiles
- added Full Help file (F1 hotkey to open it)
- added optional Sorting window during process
- updated Guide
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2011-01-02

Release 1.1.1

This is a minor release to fix some issues and make few changes. Note only that for security reasons we have changed the internal key (it will remains the same since this release). This is a list of changes:
- improved software context menu
- improved software traybar menu
- changed internal key to encrypt passwords *
- fixed bug that permitted to save blank password
- fixed minor bugs
[* it means that previous passwords are not compatible]

Posted by Lupo73 2010-12-03

Release 1.1

This new release restore some features excluded in previous version, improve compression support and fix some issues. This is a list of changes:
- improved compression support
- improved SendTo integration
- improved software Options
- restored lock target image position support
- restored multiple instances support
- added hotkey to move locked target image (read the Guide)
- added message to report failed sorting operations
- added support to unlimited number of patterns
- fixed minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2010-11-29

Release 1.0

The new major release is now available! Completely restyled, improved and extended. This is a list of changes:
- improved software interface
- improved software performance
- improved software source code
- improved traybar menu and context menu
- added support to auto-update DropIt (from About window)
- added support to backup/restore settings and profiles
- added support to compress processed files/folders
- added support to create a log file of sorting operations
- added support to custom environment variables (read the Guide)
- added support to give a descrition to each pattern
- added support to hide target image with DoubleClick
- added support to ignore unassociated files/folders
- added support to integrate DropIt in SendTo menu portably
- added support to multi-language interface
- added support to PNG and JPG target images
- added support to transparency gradient of target images
- updated official software Guide
- fixed issue processing multiple individual files from Windows context menu
- fixed several minor bugs
- removed lock target image position (compatibility problems)
- removed multiple instances support (compatibility problems)
[a special thanks to guinness for this release!]

Posted by Lupo73 2010-11-21

Major update is coming

A completely renewed release is coming! It will includes several new features like an improved interface, file compression, multi-language support and much more.
We need your help to translate it in your languages. You can download the English language file and a release candidate version from here:

Posted by Lupo73 2010-11-13

Release 0.9.4

This new release includes a new set of 24 target images and various improvements in command line support. Changelog:
- added set of 24 new target images (thanks to grannyGeek)
- improved command line support
- updated official software Guide
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2010-06-23

Release 0.9.3

Starting from this release I have decided to communicate changes here, in particular because I have improved the installer version and included an official guide of the software. ChangeLog:
- added alert if a big number/size of files is loaded
- added official software Guide (thanks to grannyGeek)
- improved command line support
- improved installer and shell integration
- moved settings in user's Application Data folder (for installer version only)
- fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Lupo73 2010-06-04