Activity for Double Agent

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    just to clarify, double agent is a replacement for msagent so you are looking for msagent characters here is a link but, none of these are "new" here is a link to some tools Mash (first on the page ) lets you build new characters you can find a fair number of characters by searching on msagent characters but everything you find will be 2 decades old.

  • Fox McFluff Fox McFluff posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I know this is a necro post, But has anyone created any new opensource agents for double agent? If so, where and are there any repositories of said opensource characters?

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There are two files you need to install. doubleagent_x64x86.msi sets up the client and server. then doubleagentSDK_x64x86.msi will install the sdk which will place the files in c:\programfiles\double agent\dev\v4.0\ that you need to import into visual basic/visual studio. I can tell you I got this working on windows 10 ( again I'm not using the activex so I have not tried using it. )

  • Harris Harris posted a comment on discussion Help

    how did you get the dlls

  • Harris Harris posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I check my dev folder, there isn't anything in there. What do i do?

  • Harris Harris created ticket #13

    No dev folder, dlls

  • Amooussama Amooussama posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi everyone i need your help I develop ms agent by Microsoft agent scripting helper on windows 11 the only problem when i like to eliminate the pink background of genie by using double agent the voices change to another and no TTS will be used. have you any solution for this problem!!!!

  • Arnold V Page Arnold V Page posted a comment on ticket #9

    Did anyone ever explain how to do the equivalent with DoubleAgents? My software ('Captain Cook's Tuck Box') uses the same two agents. I'm rusty on my Delphi knowledge, so if DoubleAgents can be incorporated into a Delphi program I'd be very grateful if someone could explain fully how to do the above using DoubleAgents in a Delphi program.

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am using the downloaded voices from AT&T (I think) anyhow they are not the windows' voices

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thats great news! I'm glad to hear you got it working ! Are you using any voices? The one that coms with windows sucks, so I ended up buying a couple of SAPI 5 voices.

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    For what it is worth... I created a reference to MSagent Server and it worked. For what it is worth I wrote an interfae to MSPowerPoint with DoubleAgent Charlie

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes I am using Microsoft Office PowerPoint VBA. When one wants to lay code behind an object (in this case double agent) one clicks on the object and then on the event (e.g. Click). VBA then writes the "sub" (subroutine header) {Private Sub MyAgent_Click) and the subroutine end (End Sub) statement. Between those lines the code to perform some tasks based on the event is layed. An event associated with MyAgent (Double Agent) is the RequestComplete event. This is fired after a particular task (method)...

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes I am using Microsoft Office PowerPoint VBA. When one wants to lay code behind an object (in this case double agent) one clicks on the object and then on the event (e.g. Click). VBA then writes the "sub" (subroutine header) {Private Sub MyAgent_Click) and the subroutine end (End Sub) statement. Between those lines the code to perform some tasks based on the event is layed. An event associated with MyAgent (Double Agent) is the RequestComplete event. This is fired after a particular task (method)...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    vba? are you doing this for Microsoft office ? I'm not sure what you mean by "loading the RequestComplete event" events are generated by the running code. I have never had to load an event. of course its entirely possible that I'm ignorant . I just code in spare time so i'm mostly self taught. you miss a lot of things that way.

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    Help ... please In vba when I try to load the RequestComplete event I get an error box stating: User-defined type not defined And the sub and end sub code will not work! can anybody help Charlie

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    56 Downloads this week seems like somebody should take over this project. I have a problem and creating a web page seemed to be a solution. Evidently not! My problem is I am trying to convert a PowerPoint VBA macro that used microsoft agent. I can access agent and make it work with VB6. So I thought Double Agent would work fine in VBA. No such luck. Strangely I can access the .acs character and all the animations associated with the character. When I try to show the character nothing appears on the...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm sorry I am not able to help, I have never used an agent in a web page. The last update to the files was more than 8 years ago and edge did not even exist at that time so they may not work with modern browsers. Sadly it looks like this is a dead project. Cinnamon Software hasn't posted here for years. Back in 2011 we were talking about a linux version, which would have been cool. I guess there was not enough interest to move forward.

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is there no one who has used double agent on a web page??? I guess the answer might be yes because the 3 examples included with the SDK do not run on Edge, Chrome, or Firefox. They all blow up on the Characters.Load statement. I have since determined that agentcontol.Characters is undefined. This sounds like a bug to me, but what do I know?? Anyhow, I am begging anybody who actually used Double Agent on a Web Page in a browser to please post some code that works. I do not have anywhere to turn. ...

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I don't understand your use of environment. On the Double Agent control panel it says that, "Double Agent is installed. It's currently emulating Microsoft Agent. DaServer.exe and DaControl.dl is registered to all users and is emulating Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 (for both 32 and 64 bit applications'). The DaCore.dll is registered to all users (for both 32 and 64 bit applications). Do I need to "tell VS something about Double Agent? I am just running an HTML...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 modified a comment on discussion Help

    not sure what environment you are using but in visual studio ( visual basic ) my load agent looks like this mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) where myagentname is a string ( it is hard coded to "xyzzy" because i only planned to use one agent at a time ) and schar is a file picked by the user via schar = Form1.OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString you do need to initialize an instance of the mydaAgentcontrol before this mydaAgentcontrol = New DoubleAgent.Control.Control and to make...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    not sure what environment you are using but in visual studio ( visual basic ) my load agent looks like this mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) where myagentname is a string ( it is hard coded to "xyzzy" because i only planned to use one agent at a time ) and schar is a file picked by the user via schar = Form1.OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString

  • charlie elliott charlie elliott posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is a line from one of the samples from the SDK: DaAgentControl.Characters.Load(mDaCharacterName, mDaCharacterFile); No matter what program I use the programs all blow up on this load statement with: Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Load') at window_onload (c:\PgBook\MechMan3\agentB.html:14:30) The error is pointing past the period after Characters, at Load. Can anyone help me. I have been working on this for days,. Charlie

  • Dave O. Dave O. created ticket #12

    Links to download Microsoft™ Agent characters

  • Giuseppe Giuseppe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I found (finally) the VB6 sample: in the next days I'll try to understand and I'll notify. Thanks a lot

  • Giuseppe Giuseppe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, 1 - my English is very bad, 2 - I have, time ago, any little VB6 apps with MS-Agent Merlin built (Windows 7 64bit and XP), 4 - I'm private and do just for my little/great-nephews, 5 - now, I try to use/get Merlin on Win10 64bit and I downloaded DoubleAgent_x64x86.msi but unfortunately, I am not able to use: is any VB6 sample to download ? How do ? An little/simple/clear sample in VB6 so I would be able to test ? If any, I would be glad also to donate any ... $ ? I would be happy for a prompt...

  • Jerzy Karczmarczuk Jerzy Karczmarczuk posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To Cinnamon Software: Hi. I wouldn't ask this if you didn't ask for donation... Would you mind expliciting in your home page WHO YOU ARE? Where (Canada I suppose, but then?...). How many of you, your names, etc. , just enough to increase the trust level of your potential clients... I don't suspect you of anything, simply I always tell to my friends teachers not to download software coming from sources they cannot localize. I hope you understand my viewpoint. Thanks! JK University of Caen, France...

  • Krasnit Krasnit created ticket #11

    Problem with Windows 10 64

  • grumple grumple modified a comment on discussion Help

    Great. I am using VB6 on Windows 7 for my app. I was using characters and balloons with MASH years ago but when Microsoft dropped support, I just found and used some code to make my own text balloons and remmed out or removed the agent code. Now I have to figure out what I did so I can reverse a few things and add support for double agent. I found I had started to do this a few years back but in testing there was a white or blue box around the character so I quit working on it. I will let you know...

  • grumple grumple posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great. I am using VB6 on Windows 7 for my app. I was using character balloons with MASH years ago but when Microsoft dropped support, I just found and used some code to make my own text balloons and remmed out or removed the agent code. Now I have to figure out what I did so I can reverse a few things and add support for double agent. I found I had started to do this a few years back but in testing there was a white or blue box around the character so I quit working on it. I will let you know how...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    op can you delete this? i was meaning to reply not create a new topic

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is one grammatically in my app I used a listbox to show all available voices and then made a call to SetTTSModeID with the voice id chosen. Like this ( i am n ot a real coder so there are most likly better ways to do this set up a new instance of da agent mydaAgentcontrol = New DoubleAgent.Control.Control you can get the total number of voices on the machine with voicenumber = mydaAgentcontrol.TTSEngines.Count - 1 note the -1 since the index starts at 0 you need to subtract one to get the right...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    my app compiled on windows 7 worked perfectly on windows 10. that is loading a character file and calling the different animations and also testing sapi5 voices there are some things my app does not use ( like character balloons ). I have not yet tried creating a new app on windows 10 yet but i think the DA is self contained so i'm not expecting any issues. I'm a bit behind on getting everything upgraded to windows 10 so if you do see a problem or find there is no problem I hope you post back here....

  • grumple grumple posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was going to see about updating an older app I made with MS Agent to use Double Agent. Does this work with Windows 10 and if so is the current help file still relevant? Thanks

  • Wendys Wendys posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there any utility that could assign a particular SAPI5 voice to a character?

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    i placed all my agent code in a separate vb code module Public mydaAgentcontrol As DoubleAgent.Control.Control Public myDaControlChar As DoubleAgent.Control.Character

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 modified a comment on discussion Help

    myagentname is type string and is hard coded in the my app. you can use a quoted string if you like. mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) or mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load("thisisanagentinstance" , schar) hardcoding the name globally at the start of the app ( load event ) into a string lets you avoid hardcodeing each of your functions that reference the agent.

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    myagentname is type string and is hard coded in the my app. you can use a quoted string if you like. what the string is has no barring on how DA works and (if you plan to only use one agent at a time which is what i'm going ) then hardcoding the string is fine and does not affect the agent acs file which is (in my case) returned as schar from the form1.openfiledialog1.filename.tostring fucntion. if you need more than one agent at a time, the myagentname string needs to be unique. I chose to use a...

  • Ghazi farid Ghazi farid posted a comment on discussion Help

    what you meen by myagentname ? how you declare mydaAgentcontrol ?

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    schar = Form1.OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString mydaAgentcontrol.RaiseRequestErrors = False mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) myDaControlChar = mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Character(myagentname) myDaControlChar.Balloon.Style = 0 agentctl.myDaControlChar.Show(1) works for me

  • Ghazi farid Ghazi farid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is the first time that i use DoubleAgent Version 1.1, I had read the documentation and now i can see the genie, but he disapear when the form appear. So i give you how to load it, that work for me. Good luck string S = pathMyapp + "Genie.acs"; DoubleAgentCtl.DaControl AgtCtl = new DoubleAgentCtl.DaControl(); AgtCtl.Connected = true; AgtCtl.Characters.Load("Genie", S); AgtCtl.Characters.Character("Genie").Show(); genie.acs is in directory applictation (pathMyapp) Add reference for microsoft agent...

  • Ghazi farid Ghazi farid posted a comment on discussion Help

    I use windows 7, developping with Visual studio 2017. I use in the same time Sapi5 for speech and recogniser. I write these code to load a "Genie". string S = pathMyapp + "Genie.acs"; DoubleAgentCtl.DaControl AgtCtl = new DoubleAgentCtl.DaControl(); AgtCtl.Connected = true; AgtCtl.Characters.Load("Genie", S); AgtCtl.Characters.Character("Genie").Show(); I see a moment the character and he disapear. And after the DaControl crash. I somebody has encoutered the same problem, your help will be appre...

  • Ghazi farid Ghazi farid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I added the com to vS2017 and i added the control to myForm, after that how i load Robby.exe in my c# code

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    in visual studio you will need to add a reference to the doubleagent.control.dll and the doubleagent.server.dll (note I am not using the activex version if thats what you want to use the process may be different ) i did it by clicking on the references tab for my project and adding both mine are installed in c:\programfiles\double agent\dev\v4.0\ once you have these in place you will need to delclare them . i used a public delcaration so all forms and fuctions in my project to see them Public mydaAgentcontrol...

  • DOUGLAS VANWIGGEREN DOUGLAS VANWIGGEREN posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First, congratulations and thank you to the team who developed DoubleAgent. However, after I install DoubleAgent, how do I add DoubleAgent to the 2017 Visual Studio itegrated development environment so I can include it in a Windows Frame?

  • DOUGLAS VANWIGGEREN DOUGLAS VANWIGGEREN posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First, congratulations and thank you to the team who developed DoubleAgent. However, after I install DoubleAgent, how do I add DoubleAgent to the 2017 Visual Studio itegrated development environment so I can include it in a Windows Frame?

  • So Lomy So Lomy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The context menu commands are not working. I am using MASH to create them. can you please guide me on how to make it work? If I switch to Microsoft Agent, the menu commands work from MASH itself but not the generated VBScript code, however when I swithc back to DA, the menus apear but when I click them, they do nothing.

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software posted a comment on ticket #10

    HI When you use Double Agent in connected or stand-alone mode, the character can...

  • Chris Lynch Chris Lynch posted a comment on ticket #10

    I need help. i have the merlin dude hangs on the desktop but, it don't show on the...

  • Chris Lynch Chris Lynch created ticket #10

    double agent 64 bit

  • grumple grumple posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, great to know. Thanks for the great software.

  • Ted Krasnicki Ted Krasnicki posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am using a CDROM to install Double Agent 32bit. When I try to re-install with the...

  • Douglas Goldbach Douglas Goldbach created ticket #5

    Crash on Speak command

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm using Windows 10 and have not had any problems with it.

  • grumple grumple posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Will Double Agent work with Windows 10 now or in the future? Thanks, Grumple

  • Stefano Camaiani Stefano Camaiani modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i'm being mad to find the way to catch user commands fire event: the commands...

  • Stefano Camaiani Stefano Camaiani posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i'm being mad to find the way to get user commands... the commands i added...

  • Luc Girardin Luc Girardin posted a comment on ticket #8

    Hi! i used Double agent emulation to fix background of cyberbuddy characters and...

  • Luc Girardin Luc Girardin posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi! i used Double agent emulation to fix background of cyberbuddy characters and...

  • Jeff D. Hanson Jeff D. Hanson modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried x86 DA on Wine 1.7.34 (Xubuntu 14.04) with MAPV (

  • Jeff D. Hanson Jeff D. Hanson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried x86 DA on Wine 1.7.34 (Xubuntu 14.04) with MAPV (

  • Bob Brinkoetter Bob Brinkoetter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Also, what about the DACore.lib file - where can I find that? Perhaps if I could...

  • Bob Brinkoetter Bob Brinkoetter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is there a program or script already available somewhere that can generate the agent.js...

  • Vasja Vasja posted a comment on discussion Help

    There are some bugs with Microsoft Agent using Double Agent. I opened MASH, loaded...

  • zzwdczz zzwdczz posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your answer!And,I also want to know why you mix Cli Code with MFC ?It's...

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software posted a comment on discussion Help

    Log.h should be in the Util subdirectory of the Source directory. There should be...

  • zzwdczz zzwdczz posted a comment on discussion Help

    the project can't build for some reason! Can not find "Log.h" ...

  • zzwdczz zzwdczz posted a comment on discussion Help

    My program serve the speaker who use the Power point files. So,I want my program...

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software posted a comment on discussion Help

    What do you mean by "portable"? Right now, DoubleAgent is only for Windows.

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software posted a comment on discussion Help

    Installing your app, DoubleAgent, and an agent character is enough. Double agent...

  • zzwdczz zzwdczz posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to build a portable program with Double Agent.How can I do?

  • mikeB mikeB posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm a little confused (as always;-). When programming (and offering/ distributing)...

  • Arnold Page Arnold Page created ticket #9

    Guidance on use of Double Agent

  • Arnold Page Arnold Page posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the exe file that installs Robby. If that is what you need I've put it in...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well I feel kinda stupid, turns out it was my AV not giving it access to start the...

  • Bob Brinkoetter Bob Brinkoetter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anyone know where to get the agent.js and map.png Double Agent files for Robby ?...

  • Bob Brinkoetter Bob Brinkoetter posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anybody know where agent.js and map.png for Robby might be ? The other standard Double...

  • Genfoch01 Genfoch01 posted a comment on discussion Help

    when I run my app via the debugger it runs just fine. when I compile it into an exe...

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r502]


  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgentSDK_x64.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgentSDK_x64x86.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgent_x64x86.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgentSDK_x86.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgent_x64.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/DoubleAgent_x86.msi

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_3_alpha/

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r501]

    Version 1.3 Alpha

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r500]

    Version 1.3 Alpha

  • Double Agent Double Agent released /version_1_2_stable/

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r499]

    Update to Visual Studio 2012

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r498]

    Update to Visual Studio 2012

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r497]

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r496]

    Initial conversion to Visual Studio 2012

  • Cinnamon Software Cinnamon Software committed [r495]