
Beta 2 (public) CDs

  • Kevin S Hoffman

    Kevin S Hoffman - 2001-06-20

    Anyone tried to make burned copies of the newly available public Beta 2? If so, please contact me. I've found that CD2 and CD3 both contain several filenames > 64 characters and I have yet to find a burner software package that will allow me to burn those files w/untruncated filenames.

    • Bruce Lee

      Bruce Lee - 2001-06-21

      Someone tried, see if work,

      >Here's what I ended up doing, and all worked OK.
      >I formatted a CD-R for DirectCD access. During >format I selected Use
      >Compression. Then I dragged & dropped all the >CD1 files to the CD, etc.
      >I then closed the CD as UDF and marked it >permanent (can't add more files).
      >Setup on another computer then went fine with >the compressed CD set and no
      >problem with long file names and files not >fitting on the CD.

      Bruce Lee


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