
'Load Error' on certain webpage that requres user signing in

Erdos New
  • Erdos New

    Erdos New - 2016-05-20

    i encountered errors on some websites, especially when i try to sign in with username /password, such as excite email, etc, not sure how to change settings on this.

    Dooble cannot establish a secure connection to Please visit the Allowed SSL Ciphers panel and review your selections. You may also wish to prepare exceptions.

  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2016-05-20

    Please see Windows -> Allowed Allowed SSL Ciphers. Which levels of TLS do you have available and selected? TLS 1.0? 1.1? 1.2?

    Also, paste the contents of the Error Information here.


  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2016-05-20

    Perhaps you'll see a handshake error.

  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2016-05-20

    This is a challenging problem. See for a list of supported protocols. Notice that only TLS 1.0 is supported. On my system, I have TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0. So, I have to enable both SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.2. Dooble cannot display ciphers (TLS 1.0 in this example) if it cannot discover them. However, it does anticipate some anomalies and attempts to resolve them by entering unknown-protocol states. Try enabling TLS 1.0, if you have it, or SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.2.

  • Erdos New

    Erdos New - 2016-05-23

    thanks for the reply, i've looked at the 'Allowed SSL Ciphers' page, here's the currently selected(screenshot). i then checked 'negate all SSL' in this page and now i can access wepages previoulsy that were out of range.

    however, in order to access certain website (i.e., i found i had to switch to previous default settings.

    but the orginial issue has been resolved, thank you!


    Last edit: Erdos New 2016-05-23
  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2016-05-23

    The FreeBSD site uses 1.1 and 1.2. Because you've selected SSL, Dooble must address your selection. Exceptions of such granularity are not addressed. Perhaps with 2.x they will be.


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