
#10 Stay On Top feature Not Working


I've got 4.5.2 installed on Fedora 25, Mac Sierra and Windows 7 and I'm having an issue with the Stay On Top setting.

I have that feature turned off but it still shows on top of other windows.


  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-21
    • assigned_to: Nick Korotysh
  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-21

    Very strange... Some people say that it won't stay on top... Ok, some investigation needed.
    Let me ask you few questions:
    1. Is this issue are reproducable on all listed systems or only one of them?
    2. Did you try previous version? Is it affected by described issue?
    3. Did you upgrade clock or do "clean" install (no my software was before)?

    Before this release (4.5.2) I tested my clock on (especially stay on top feature) on many systems, and no issues was detected...

    I will release new test version in 1-2 days with a lot of workarounds to determine were is issue with "stay on top", your feedback will be very usfull, especially that you using all supported systems.


    Last edit: Nick Korotysh 2017-01-21
  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-21
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-21

    Fedora 25 Cinnamon, confirmed, stays on top in any case, option has no effect. Fix will be tommorow.
    issue still not reproducable for Win and Mac versions.

  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-21
    • labels: stay on top --> stay on top, linux
  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-22

    try next version.

  • Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith - 2017-01-23

    My fault for not including the particular Fedora desktop I am running. Yes, it is Cinnamon and the test version (4.5.2+) does appear to fix the problem on Fedora 25 Cinnamon.

    However, I'm still seeing the issue on Mac Sierra. I'm running Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta and it takes the entire display covering everything including the menu bar and dock. The clock is in the lower left corner just above the dock andis always on top.

  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-25

    reproduced issue on Mac Sierra with Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta. investigating...
    thank you for details


    Last edit: Nick Korotysh 2017-01-25
  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-26

    must be fixed now... I reuploaded only MacOS version, try it.

  • Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith - 2017-01-29

    My apologies for the delayed reply.

    I tried the last version you uploaded for Mac. It did fix the problem with Remote Desktop but it completely screwed up Finder. Made it a transparent window where you couldn't see anything at all.

    I have reverted to 4.5.2 which fixed the problem with Finder. For now, I'll just hide the clock when using Remote Desktop.

  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-01-29

    Very strange issue with Finder... Before upload I tested it on virtual machine, now I installed macOS Sierra on real hardware and tried uploaded version on it, no issues are appeared.

    Ok. Looks like 'visible on all workspaces' feature leads to a lot of problems (at least for Mac and Linux), I reverted it and reuploaded all versions. try it now. This must finally resolve your issues.

  • Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith - 2017-02-10

    i can confirm that 4.5.3 does indeed honor the Stay On Top setting on Sierra.

  • Nick Korotysh

    Nick Korotysh - 2017-02-18
    • labels: stay on top, linux --> stay on top, linux, mac
    • status: accepted --> closed

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