Marek Nazarko - 2004-07-05

My proxy allows only connecting to ports 443,80.
In many cases desproxy works ok (on 443), in this one it doesn't, I don't know why (i can't use the newest
version because there is no windows binary).
After reading forum i see it could be problem of compatibilty - but on different adresses it works ok, so it's not a point.

c:\home\http\dp>set PROXY_USER=user:pass

c:\home\http\dp>desproxy 443 proxy.xx.xx
8080 9025

desproxy 0.1.0-pre2

(C) 2003 Miguelanxo Otero Salgueiro

TCP port 9025 Bound & Listening
Press <Control+C> to Quit

Connection request from, port 4127
Connecting to http proxy (proxy.xx.xx:8080)

wait_for_crlf: BUFFER OVERFLOW!
Connection #0: end of connection
connect_host_to_proxy: ERROR
Connection #0: end of connection