
invalid client protocol version

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Configuro mi explorador para que enganche con el proxy y cuando intento cargar una pgina me sale el siguiente error:
    TCP port 1080 Binded & Listening
    Press ENTER to Quit
    Connection request from, port 1692
    Connection request from, port 1694
    invalid client protocol version (71)

    Alguna idea?

    • Miguelanxo Otero Salgueiro

      Invalid client protocol version es un mensaje que solo dan desproxy-socks4server o desproxy-socks5server, los cuales solo aceptan (como primer byte) un numero de version 4 o 5 (respectivamente) mientras que reciben una peticion de un cliente con numero de version 71.

      71 es la codificacion ASCII de la letra 'G', as que (me temo) que la peticion de tu cliente es una peticion HTTP en vez de una socks:

      GET /loquesea HTTP/1.1

      PORQUE PASA ESTO? Por poner desproxy-socksXserver en el lugar incorrecto (como servidor proxy HTTP y no servidor SOCKS). As que corrige la configuracin de tu explorador y prueba de nuevo.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem, but give us the solution in English, please .

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I is not a solution !!! You are using a the SOCKS server as an HTTP proxy, this is wrong !! An HTTP proxy is not a SOCKS server. The problem is that when you connect using SOCKS, the first byte is to send is the socks version number (4 or 5) and the socks server detected 71 wich corresponds to the character "G" as for GET method from HTTP protocol. This is because you configured your browser to use a proxy that is actually the SOCKS server. Do you get it?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I get it(perhaps), but tell me if I get round my corporate MS proxy(NTLM) or not.
      My MS proxy's address is, and I use it with the 'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server' (APS) to connect. So my browser connets to
      And now how to configure the desproxy-socksserver and the browser
      to tunnel that damn corporate proxy? I tried the desproxy-socksserver.exe 5865 1080 command and the browser at, but this is how the error "invalid client protocol version" occured.
      You said desproxy WILL NOT ever support NTLM Authentication (for those behing a MS Proxy), but you can use a "parent proxy" like NTLM ASP to negotiate NTLM authentication with your MS proxy.
      OK but tell me exactly how, please.

    • Miguelanxo Otero Salgueiro

      Listen. You're almost done. Your command line is ok, but just, just change the settings in your browser client.

      desproxy-socksserver is a SOCKS server, not a HTTP server so just remove it from your http proxy setting and add it to your socks server setting. Is that clear? I could give you a screenshot but C'mon, are you so nuts?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you I was really nuts, didn't notice Socks server line in the browser settings


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