wimpunk - 2016-02-29

I have no experience with logging to systemd so I hope someone else will
create a patch to make this happen. Thanks for the suggestion.

Kind regards,


On 28/02/16 04:36, Kalle Richter wrote:

[bugs:#79] http://sourceforge.net/p/ddclient/bugs/79/ Add log file
path configuration directive

Status: open
Group: current_version
Created: Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:36 AM UTC by Kalle Richter
Last Updated: Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:36 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

It'd be nice to have configuration directive where users could configure
a log file to facilitate monitoring and debugging |ddclient| when it
runs as |systemd| unit.

experienced with 3.8.2-2ubuntu1

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Bugs: #79