
Quick Question

  • wysiwyg

    wysiwyg - 2007-02-11

    Hi, guys -- haven't tried dban yet, but it could be just what I'm looking for:  my D:\ drive is said by the WD Diagnostic to be defective (no outward symptoms yet).  I suspect I'm going to have to RMA it, but would like to wipe it first.

    Question #1:  Can I do D:\ and leave C:\ intact?

    Question #2:  ...or should I disconnect C:\?  If I do that, so I have to switch around the Master/Slave status?  (...this is getting more complicated!)

    Question #3:  Will it work on a system that has no OS or ability to boot (except off the dban disc)?

    Sorry, I looked for the answers to these questions;  could not find.  Don't want to 'learn the hard way.'    Thanks!

    • PeterH

      PeterH - 2007-02-11

      I would disconnect C:, for safety, to ensure that you can not possibly affect C:.  You should not have to switch Master / Slave.  DBAN will boot from the CD or diskette, with no OS on C: or D:.  But DBAN will not run if it finds an error in the disk hardware, so it may not be able to wipe your D:

    • wysiwyg

      wysiwyg - 2007-02-12

      Thanks -- will use your suggestions and give it a whirl.


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