SungHun Kim - 2002-10-05


Do you know know many methods are needed for some work?
For example, I mounted /dav directory using 'mount.davfs' and down-loaded
neon-0.2.4.tar.gz in the /dev directory. I, also untared, ran configure and compiled
the source.

neon-0.2.4 has around 60 C source files.

For those work, Davfs2 requested 5,771 methods. It's a lot.

Here are request numbers for each method:

   2265 "PROPFIND
   1033 "GET
    732 "UNLOCK
    732 "PUT
    732 "LOCK
    247 "DELETE
     14 "MOVE
     14 "MKCOL
      2 "OPTIONS

After running this I've got two points:

1. Davfs2 is stable. (We could compile the complicated program!)
2. There is lots of things to improve the performance.