
Davfs with Sharepoint

  • LP1

    LP1 - 2009-01-13


    We are trying to connect to a MOSS 2007 server with davfs. But here's what happen:

    (I changed my website name and other confidential informations)

    mount -t davfs https://website/sites/Documents/ wss
    Please enter the username to authenticate with server
    https://website/sites/Documents/ or hit enter for none.
    Username: username@domain.COM
    Please enter the password to authenticate user username@domain.COM with server
    https://iwebsite/sites/Documents/ or hit enter for none.
    /sbin/mount.davfs: the server certificate is not trusted
      issuer:      website, com
      subject:     Technologie, company, city, CA
      identity:    website
      fingerprint: 3e:f1:fa:62:84:8c:b0:d8:cf:5c:78:ee:82:7a:62:28:9a:0f:e1:9a
    You only should accept this certificate, if you can
    verify the fingerprint! The server might be faked
    or there might be a man-in-the-middle-attack.
    Accept certificate for this session? [y,N] y
    /sbin/mount.davfs: Mounting failed.
    Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge

    Any idea?


    • Werner Baumann

      Werner Baumann - 2009-01-13

      This are two issues.

      Your system does not have a CA-certificate of website, com and therefore can't validate the server's certificate. Please use 'man davfs2.conf' for more information.

      User authentication:
      The server wants Windows NTLM authentication. I don't know much about this and am not interested in NTLM (davfs2 knows HTML authentication schemes Basic and Digest). It should be possible to use NTLM as the neon library supports GSSAPI. But some system setup might be required for this. Someone interested in NTLM should care about. If davfs2 needs some patch for this to work, I will apply the patch, but somebody else has to provide it.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-27

    China in October 2006 the Hertz Corporation changed its name to Kyocera KBS Hertz Corporation was established in China in December 2006 Kyocera Franck Muller Dior management consulting (Shanghai) Ltd in April 2007, Honorary President of Maurice Lacroix inamorikazuo attended welcome luncheon of the Wen Jiabao Prime Minister to visit Japan in September 2007 and KDDI Corporation, Intel Corporation, East Japan railway company and Corporation, Daiwa Securities Group


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