
CognitiveWeb / News: Recent posts

Developer CVS

SourceForge developer CVS has experienced a crash resulting in lost updates. The new developer CVS service is now online. The CognitiveWeb project hass verified its CVS archive and is realizing a migration to the new CVS services, including restoration of lost updates to the new developer CVS server (done), a host name change for the developer CVS, and use of rsync for CVS backup. This change will take a while to propagate through all CVS modules and will not be reflected in released artifacts until the next release of that artifact.... read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-05-15

Extensible Serialization Framework: release 0.1-b2.

extSer is a framework for fast, compact, and extensible serialization
of objects. Support is provided for both simple object (record at a
time) and stream-based object graph serialization. Custom
serialization handlers may be registered for a Class. Transparent
versioning of the serialization format is supported for all objects.
Historical serialization formats may be read transparently and objects
will be promoted to the most current serialization format on write.... read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-05-03

Extensible Serialization Framework: release 0.1-b1.

The CognitiveWeb extSer module provides a framework for fast, compact,
and extensible serialization of object and object graphs. Custom
serialization handlers may be registered for a Class. Transparent
versioning of the serialization format is supported for all objects.
Historical serialization versions are read transparently and written
by default using the most current serialization version.

This is the initial release of the extSer package. extSer is
currently used by the jdbm,, project and the
CognitiveWeb Generic Object Model implementation.... read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-05-02

CognitiveWeb Open Source License: release 1.1.

Today CognitiveWeb released version 1.1 of the CognitiveWeb Open Source License. This is a minor license revision and states that CognitiveWeb is trade name.

The full text of the license is available from

The CognitiveWeb hosts critical open source infrastructure efforts in
web architecture, semantic web, and fuzzy logics designed to
facilitate collaborative decision-making, critical thinking and
conflict resolution processes. The goal of the CognitiveWeb is to
extend human decision-making horizons by compensating for some
intrinsic aspects of selective attention. See or for more information.

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-17

Generic Object Model: release 1.1-b1.

The Generic Object Model (GOM) is an application framework designed to
minimize the complexity of writing persistent applications. GOM helps
developers focus on their application logic rather than the impedence
mismatch with a relational database. GOM is not an Object-Relational
technology - it is a framework for working with Generic Persistent
Objects (GPOs). GOM provides a high performance, loosely-typed, data-
and behavior-extensible persistence architecture with one-to-one,
many-to-one, and many-to-many links and persistent indices. Multiple
implementations exist. The GOM API does not lock you into a specific
implementation and uses a delegation pattern rather than subclassing
for persistent objects.... read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-14

RDFS SAIL: release 1.1-b1.

The CognitiveWeb RDFS SAIL is a scalable, high performance RDFS
database using secondary storage. Repository instances are generally
managed using Sesame. Sesame 1.x SAIL implementations are bundled for
both RDF-only and RDFS stores.

This is the initial release of the RDFS SAIL. This implementation
supports eager closure for RDFS data and provides efficient maintaince
of the entailments under both statement insertion and removal. Future
releases will support backward chaining, query optimization,
concurrency, context, etc. For more information see:,, read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-14

SAIL for Oracle(R) database: release 1.1-b2.

The SAIL for Oracle(R) database is a third party integration for the
Sesame architecture of the RDF feature in the Oracle(R) database.

The CognitiveWeb hosts critical open source infrastructure efforts in
web architecture, semantic web, and fuzzy logics designed to
facilitate collaborative decision-making, critical thinking and
conflict resolution processes. The goal of the CognitiveWeb is to
extend human decision-making horizons by compensating for some
intrinsic aspects of selective attention. See or for more information.

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-14

XPointer Framework: release 1.1-b3.

The XPointer Framework provides support for the W3C XPointer
Recommendation. The W3C XPointer Recommendation provides an
extensible system for XML addressing and may be combined in
interesting ways with the REST architecural style, e.g., using
Server-Side XPointer.

The XPointer Framework supports pluggable registration of XPointer
schemes and has built-in support for the XPointer xmlns() and
element() schemes and a non-standardized xpath() scheme. The
framework defines an abstraction layer that must be implemented for a
specific XML data model. Concrete implementations are provided for
both jdom and dom4j. For more information see:,,,, read more

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-14