
Generic Object Model: release 1.1-b1.

The Generic Object Model (GOM) is an application framework designed to
minimize the complexity of writing persistent applications. GOM helps
developers focus on their application logic rather than the impedence
mismatch with a relational database. GOM is not an Object-Relational
technology - it is a framework for working with Generic Persistent
Objects (GPOs). GOM provides a high performance, loosely-typed, data-
and behavior-extensible persistence architecture with one-to-one,
many-to-one, and many-to-many links and persistent indices. Multiple
implementations exist. The GOM API does not lock you into a specific
implementation and uses a delegation pattern rather than subclassing
for persistent objects.

This is the initial release of the GOM suite. GOM has been used to
develop a high performance RDFS SAIL for the Sesame 1.x platform and
is being applied to common sense reasoning. Backends are available
for both the open source jdbm project and a commercial GOM store. For
more information see:,,,,

The CognitiveWeb hosts critical open source infrastructure efforts in
web architecture, semantic web, and fuzzy logics designed to
facilitate collaborative decision-making, critical thinking and
conflict resolution processes. The goal of the CognitiveWeb is to
extend human decision-making horizons by compensating for some
intrinsic aspects of selective attention. See or for more information.

Posted by Bryan Thompson 2006-03-14

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